French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Storrming of Bastille

    Storrming of Bastille
    The storming of Bastille was caused by King Louis making Swiss soldiers. The people attack the bastille and release the prisoner. People killed a lot of soldiers, about 98 people died.
  • Declaration of Right of Man

    Declaration of Right of Man
    The revolution has a new law. The Declaration of Rights of man was based on the Declaration of independence of the United States. The declaration of rights of man starts the real revolution.
  • National Assembly abolishes the nobility

    National Assembly abolishes the nobility
    The people abolish all the titles of the people. People ca only have their real names. No titles have left.
  • Civil Constitution of the French Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the French Clergy
    All the Roman Catholic churches will become French. The French have all the power to control the church. Pope can't o anything to it.
  • First use of Guilloutine

    First use of Guilloutine
    The guillotine was invented by Joseph-Ignace Guillotin who is a doctor. The guillotine was designed to kill people with no hurt. And it kills over 10000 people.
  • Louis & Marie Antoinette flee; captured at Varennes

    Louis & Marie Antoinette flee; captured at Varennes
    King Louis and his family were running away. They had been realized and being capture by the guard. People were very angry because they were running away.
  • King Louis died

    King Louis died
    King Louis had been killed by guillotine. Many people was very angry at him before he was killed by the guillotine. He was live in poor before.
  • Committee of public safety

    Committee of public safety
    The rise of Robespierre and his men. He leads the country into horror. He believes that only horror can lead people.
  • Marie Antoinette died

    Marie Antoinette died
    The queen of France is the wife of king Louis. The queen was an Austrian and people have war with Austria. People hate her than the king.
  • Dead of Robespirre

    Dead of Robespirre
    Robespierre was one of the worst people in the french revolution. And he is a dictator. When he died it was the end of horror. killed by guillotine.