king louis xv gets france involved in the 7 years war
france went to war against Great Britain in 1754 and it lasted until 1763 with france losing and losing most of their land. -
king louis xvi and marie antoinette get married.
king Louis XVI and Marie Antoinetteget married to resolve the tension between Austria and France. This creates an alliance for now. -
King Louis xv dies .
King Louis XV dies from natural causes even though people dont exactly know what he died from because people didnt know much about illness's back in the day. -
king louis xvI becomes King.
KIng Louis XV dies and King Louis XVI takes the thrown. As King Louis XVI is becoming King, the enlightenment is thriving. -
King louis xvi decides to help america gain independence
This causes france to become bankrupt. The only reason the French got involved was because America was going against britain. -
riots start to break out over bread
The price for bread was increased by king louis xvi so it could help pay back from the war debt. The 3rd estate was not happy about this so fighting breaks out over bread. -
Robespierre and the 3rd estate get locked out at the estates General
Robespierre spoke up for the 3rd estate and starts talking words of enlightnement which makes King Louis XVI nerous. so King Louis XVI locks out the 3rd estate completely. -
3rd Estate creates the Tennis Court Oath.
After being locked out of the estates general, the 3rd estate meets at a nearby tennis court and they all swear/oaths to keep together and not stop until a new constitution is made. -
Storming of the Bastile.
The 3rd estate decides to storm the Bastile, which is a prison that was very large that held very little amounts of people. They tear the Bastile brick for brick to prove a point to the king. -
The Declaration of rights of men is created.
The 3rd estate created this document and it stated that all men had equal rights and it had everything the 3rd estate was wanting. They eventually get the king to sign it making it offical. -
King disrespects the tricolor flag made by the 3rd estate.
King Louis XVI threw a party and it was reported that they stomped on the flag. This is an opportunity for Marah ( a newspaper writer ) to tell the people to rise up and over throw the king. The fishwomen from the docks who were very large for women heard and walked to versailes and marched in the front door of the palace. They demand King Louis XVI and the queen move to Paris and the King signs the Declaration Of The Rights Of Men. -
King and the Queen try to escape.
After the Riyal family moves back to Paris they realize they are basically being held captive by the 3rd estate. So, they try to escape one night in disguises, King Louis XVI demands to stop near the Austria border and the people realized it was the king. They parade the royal family through the streets and take them back to Paris. They people start to think about going to war with Austria since they tried to help. War breaks out between France and austria. -
King Louis XVI is sentenced with treason.
The 3rd estate, which is being lead by robespierre at this point, puts King Louis XVI on trial and he is sent to the guoillitene and killed. At the same time this is happening, Marot is calling out people that are going against the Revolution. Everyone going against the Revolution is sent to the Guoilltene without aa trial. -
Charolotte Moray murders Marot.
A normal girl from France named Charolotte Moray claims to have a list of people against the revolution so she can get into morats house, as morat is reading the list, Moray pulls a knife out and kills him. She thought this would fix the revolution but it didnt, people started to worship Morat as a god. -
Marie antoinette is killed
Maria Antionnete is killed at the guiletiene after being sentenced with sexual abuse over her son becasuse she tried to make him king and also sentenced with treason. around the same time as this is happening, austria is getting closer and closer to paris. so, robespierre suspends the govt. of rights and all around France it turns crazy. Anyone they find against the revolution is killed. Even Danton is killed. Robespirres 2nd hand man. Then his own political party takes robesipirre while he is -
Revolution ends !!!!!
.....he is sleeping and he is killed at the guiltene. The girodins political group then takes over and the revolution is over. -
Napoleon signed the civil code
Also known as the Napoleonic code, the civil code gave France its first legit set of laws considering property, colonial affairs, the family, and individual rights. -
The Coronation of Napoleon
Napoleon was a leader in the Military for a while and then soon after the war against austria ended he became the leader of France. -
exile to elba
This was the 1st time Napoleon was banished and it was on the island of Elba. Then the people he knew from the military came and helped him escape. -
Congress of Vienna
Vienna is in austria not in france and this is when they decided what europe will look like after Napoleon. they talked about peace -
100 days
This lasted between march 20th 1815, to july 8th 1815 the day he returned. They get damalshed in the fight of waterloo. This was when he was exiled yet again to another island called the island of Helena. he also died here so he never escaped.