Call of the Estates General
The king Louis XVI calls to meet the three states together for the first time in a long time. -
Creation of the National Assembly
After leaving the Estates General, the Third Estate forms the National Assembly and they swear not to leave the Assembly until the creation of a Constitution. -
The Constituent Assembly
Formed from the National Asembly, it took relevant and transforming decisions. -
Storm of the Bastille
The king fired the minister of Finances: Necker, who was considered by the third state as a defensor, so the people decided to take the streets in sign of open rebellion. They stormed the Bastille and killed his governor. -
La grande Peur
La grande Peur ( The great fear), It was an insurrection of the people in rural areas to protest against the feudal privileges by taking properties from the nobility and destroying their property papers. -
Abolition of feudal rights
On a session during night, the Constituent Assembly declares the abolition of the feudal rights (clergy, nobility). -
Declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen
“Declaration des Droits de L’homme et du Citoyen” is written and it makes all the men from the three states equal. It isn’t applied to women and children. -
The wives march of Versailles
The women from Paris market led a march to protest about scarity and high prices of the food. -
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
It was a law created to subordinate the Catholic church to the french governement, and reestructurate the Catholic Church in France. -
Flight to Varennes
The royal Family tried to flee from France but they were arrested in Varennes, near to the border with Austria. -
Declaration of Plinitz
The declaration was the product of the conversations between Prusia and The Holy Roman empire whose objective was to support Louis XVI, but the National Assembly took it like a declaration of war. -
Constitution of 1791
The new constitution was ratified with the support of the King Louis XVI. Constitutional Monarchy, National Sovereignity, independent Judicial Power. Censitary suffrage. -
Legislative Assembly
The Assembly was constitued by 264 deputies at the right, 345 at the center and finally, at the left, 136. -
France declares the war to Austria
Because of the Plinitz Declaration and rising tension, France declared the war to Austria. -
First use of the Guillotine
Invented by Joseph-Igance Guillotin, it was first used with a highwayman called Nicolas Jacques Pelleter. -
Insurrection and end of Louis XVI’s power.
It was the second insurrection where the people storm the palace of Tulleries, residence of The Royal Family. The Legislative Assembly retired the constitutional functions to the king. -
National Convention
(Convention Nationale) The major institution of The First Republic, it was formed by the results from the elections that were celebrated after it´s foundation. It abolished the Monarchy, but left for later the official proclamation of the Republic. -
The Cannonade of Valmy
At the Valmy’s battle, the french army’s cannons maintained away the troops of Prusia and Austria -
The First republic
The Republic was oficially approved by the National Convention when the monarchy was approved. It last 11 years until the French Empire. -
Execution of Louis XVI
After being judged by the Convention because of treason to the State, he was sentenced to the guillotine. -
Comittee for Public Safety
It was created in April during the Reign of Terror, and reestructured in July. It’s role was to protect the recently declared Republic from foreign attacks and intranational rebellions. First composed by nine members and then by 12. -
The constitution of the Year I
It was the first republican constitution of France, redacted by the National Convention. It had as a principle, the popular sovereignity and universal male suffrage. (They tried to make universal suffrage, but it was considered too revolutionary) It is considered one of the most advanced constitution even tough it was never applied. -
The reign of terror
A lot of people is condemned to death because they were suspects of being counterrevolutionary . The jacobins supported the use of violence, to avoid revols in the streets. This caused a conflict between the Girondin and Jacobin parties. -
The republican calendar
The "calendrier révolutionnaire français", was a calendar created and implemented during the French Revolution. -
Execution of Marie Antoniette
One of the major events of the French Revolution. After a trial of two days by the Revolutionary Tribunal, she was condemned to the guillotine and executed in "Place de la Concorde"/ Place de la Revolution. -
Execution of Robespierre
He was accused of tyran. He was executed in the Place de Concorde, with some of his collaborators. -
Constitution of the Year III
Republican model, censitary suffrage, The power was given to the Directory, Two different assemblies, people ellected judges. It had the opposition of the Monarchist and the Jacobins. -
The directory
Following the new costitution, the power was given to a Directory formed by 5 members. It was supressed the universal male suffrage and restablished the censitary suffrage. -
Napoleon takes the power
After coming back from the Campaing of Egypt, he made a Coup
d´etat. Installing the Consulate. -
The Consulate
The constitution of the Year VIII established the Consulate. And made of Napoleon Bonaparte something like a dictator. The consulate was formed by Canbacérès, Bonaparte and Lebrun. -
Concordat of 1801
Napoleon reached an accord with the Holy See where the catholicism was appoved like the major religion but not the official of the estate. -
French Empire: Coronation of Napoleon
In a pompous celebration, Napoleon coronated himself and his wife as Emperors of France. -
The extinction of the Republic
The republic was oficially extincted when the Consulate declared the First Empire, and Napoleon the emperor of the French. -
The congress of Vienna
Organised by the Austrian chancellor Metternich, his aim was to stop the spread of liberal ideas and restore absolutism in Europe. -
The Holly Alliance
A treaty signed by Austria, Prusia and Russia. They promised to be united againts any threat of liberal revolution. -
The revolutionary wave of 1830
This wave started when Charles X was overthrowned in France, and Louis Phillip I rised to the throne. Then, the movement extended to: Belgium, Poland, Austria, Italy, UK and Spain. -
1848: The Spring of Nations
In 1848 some nationalist and liberal revolutions broke out against absolute monarchies as Austria, Hungary, Italy and German Confederation -
The French Second Republic
Louis Phillip I was overthrowned and the Secon Republic Declared.
Louis Napoleon de Bonaparte becames the first president elected by universal male suffrage.