1776 Agricultural Recession
Forces landowners to increase their sources of revenue; the lower class works harder and is taxed more. -
1776-1783 Patriot Debt
France supports the Patriots in the American Revolution, leading to more national debt. -
1787 Assembly of Notables
Charles Alexandre de Calonne, national Director of Finances, called an assembly to have the upper class share on the national debt by paying taxes. They refused in an effort to protect economic priveleges. -
New Tax Plan
A meeting of the Estates-General was called by Louis XVI in Versailles to discuss and approve a new tax plan. -
Tennis Court Oath
The Third Estate is kicked and meet on the Tennis Court. A few of the liberal nobles and many clergy join them and swear the Tennis Court Oath: "We won't separate until constitutional regime was established" -
Drafting a Constitution
The National Assembly appoints a committee of thirty members to draft a constitution. The National Assembly proclaims itself the Constituent National Assembly, with full authority and power to decree laws. Demonstrations and speeches take place at the Palais-Royal. The electors of Paris form a standing committee and a citizens' militia. -
The Storming and Fall of the Bastille
The period of Grande Peur
(Great Fear) Peasants start robbing and burning some of the chateaux (mansions) of the rich and burn records of money owed. -
End of Feudalism
The end of feudalism and serfdom in France was announced by the National Assembly -
Issuance of the Declaration of the Rights of Man
Parisians Invade Versailles
The women of Paris invade Versailles. Parisians, led by a large number of women, march upon Versailles and force the royal family back to Paris, where they take up residence at the Tuileries. Louis XVI is considered by many a "prisoner" in Paris. The Assembly, still in Versailles, declares, in the spirit of constitutional monarchy, its inseparability from the king. -
Arrest of Louis XVI
Louis XVI and his family were arrested while trying to flee from France -
War on Austria
France declared war on Austria. It is believed that Austria (where the queen was from) is intending to invade to help the kind regain the monarchy. -
Louis XVI Sentenced to the Guillotine
National Draft
A National Draft was issued calling for all able-bodied men to enlist in the army. -
Reign of Terror Sentencing
They sentenced 20,000-40,000 people to death. -
Robespierre's Arrest and Death
The National Convention arrested Robespierre along with his deputies and most people who worked with him. They were all beheaded the next day. -
Republican Armies in Command
Churches are closed. The republican armies are now in command, and the Terror became identified with ruthless and centralized revolutionary government. Any dissidence was classified as counter revolutionary, and Monte-guards and extremists were guillotined early in 1794. Robespierre tries to associate it with virtue and make the republic a morally united patriotic community.