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French Revolution

By Uysaler
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Economic Troubles

    Economic Troubles
    By this time France's economy was declining. The cost of living was rising and all the taxes made it impossible to earn a profit. Even worse, bad weather caused a shortage in grain, raising the price of bread.
    These events are important because it eventually caused a meeting of all three estates.
  • The meeting at Versailles

    The meeting at Versailles
    This was the first meeting of all three estates in 175 years. Members of the third estate were looking forward to making changes in the government but the king wouldn't give them the chance. So they formed the National Assembly proclaiming the end of monarchy.
    This was the first step of the revolution making it really important.
  • Attack on Bastille

    Attack on Bastille
    In response to the National Assembly being formed Louis stationed troops around Versailles. To protect themselves people stormed the prison of Bastille to get weapons. Killing the guards and carrying their heads on pikes.
    I think this was really important to the revolution because it showed the people were ready to fight back for their cause.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    During this time the people of France were in panic. Nobles were hiring outlaws to attack peasants and peasants were destroying and burning the nobles' houses.Even the women broke into the palace.
    This was when rebellion spread across the country making it important.