1815 BCE
Napoleon rise to power (2nd time)
1792 BCE
Restrictions of the church's power
Period: 1791 BCE to 1792 BCE
Citizens of the town and nobility.
Austria and Prussia.
Girondins and Jacobins. -
1789 BCE
First time using the guillotine
Period: to
National Assembly
Formed by the representatives of the Third Estate (citizens). -
Period: to
Constituent Assembly
Formed after the Storming of the Bastille from the National Assembly. -
Storming of the Bastille
It was the first step towards the French Revolution. -
Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
French Constitution
It was the first written constitution of France (it contained the reform of the French State). -
Period: to
Legislative Assembly
Formed after de Constituent Assembly -
Period: to
National Convention
First French government organized as a republic after de Legislative Assembly -
Death of Louis XVI of France
By the guillotine -
Period: to
The Directory
Fourth form of government during the French Revolution -
Napoleon's rise to power
Napoleon dethroned (1st time)
Finally Napoleon is dethroned by death