French Revolution

By Abram13
  • Royal Treasury is Empty

    Royal Treasury is Empty
    After France joined into many bad wars. Had bad harvests. and lost tons of money due to the queens bad spending habits. The Royal Treasury is found to be empty.
  • Estatates General

    Estatates General
    The First Estates General in over 100 years was called to go over the political and finacial problems in France.
  • The Seige of Bastille

    The Seige of Bastille
    A angry crowd of French citizans formed outside of bastille. Before long the crowd charged the bastille completley turning it to ruins and killing the guards inside.
  • Decleration of Rights of Man

    Decleration of Rights of Man
    The Decleration of Rights of Man was signed. giving men and only men basic rights of liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression, equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.
  • Womens March on Versails

    Womens March on Versails
    Due to high bread prices, Women marched into versails with the intent to kill the queen.
  • Period: to

    Royal Family tries to Flee Paris

    Our King and Queen attempted to flee paris to Austria, where the queen was born.
  • Paris Prison Masacres

    Paris Prison Masacres
    French citizens forced their way into prisons in Paris and killed all of the prisoners inside.
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI's Trial and Execution

    Louis XVI is dethroned and is charged for his treason. He will be executed on January 21, 1793.
  • Committee of Public Safety Comes to Power

    Committee of Public Safety Comes to Power
    The Committee of Public Safety has been formed and is in complete control of france. They are executing anyone who goes against them.
  • Jean-Paul Marat’s Murder

    Jean-Paul Marat’s Murder
    Jean-Paul Marat, an activist in our revolution, was murdered in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday, who said she had information on the Girondins.
  • The Reign of Terror starts

    Maxemillien Robespierre takes control over France and controls with fear. His main goal is to keep the revolution alive and kill all who oppose it.
  • End of the terror + The Beheading of Robespierre

    Maxemillien Robespierre is executed after being arrested by the National Convention and being declared a traitor freeing us from his Rein. The leadership has been changed to a group of five people known as the Directory.
  • Marie Antoinette is executed

    Marie Antoinette is beheaded. This angers Austria because our former queen is from Austria, and starts a war between France and Austria.