Louis XVI called for the Estates General
The French were having quite the financial problem due to previous wars. The queen was also spending a bunch of her money on a cubic butt ton of stuff that she thought would comfort her. All this led to the king calling for the Estates General to try and help the debt by raising the taxes. -
The Tennis Court Oath
The Third Estate was fed up with the King and his rules so they decided to form the National Assembly and took an oath saying that they would make a new constitution. Louis XVI allowed the National Assembly to form but he stationed troops all around Versailles. All this led to the Bastille being raided. -
Storming of the Bastille
The Bastille was a state prison in Paris, France. To the people the Bastille represented the monarchy's rule. As they stormed and broke down the Bastille people knew this was the beginning of the French Revolution. -
Declaration of Pillnitz
Frederick William II and Leopold II decided to create this statement to show support to Louis XVI. It basically said that Austria would only go to war if the other European countries did. The french revolutions were suppose to take this as a warning but instead they thought Austria was declaring war.