French Revolution Timeline

  • Agricultural Recession

    Forced land owners to increase revenue sources (i.e lower class works harder, taxed more)
  • Period: to

    French Joins American Revolution

    Supported Patriots,led to more national debt
  • Assembly of Notables

    Proposed to have upper class assist with naional debt tax. Refused to protect economic priviliges.
  • New Tax Plan

    Louis XVI calls a meeting and the lower class gives the upper class power.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Lower class is kicked and the first and second swear the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Period: to

    Constitutional National Assembly

    A committee of 30 members drafted a constitiution and began to decree laws.
  • Period: to

    Period of Great Fear

    Peasants start robbing and burning mansions and rich burn monetary records.
  • Women Invade Versailles

    Women march and force the royal family back into Paris. Loius XVI was considered a prisoner by many in Paris.
  • French Declared War on Austria

    Austria was believed to regain the monarchy by invading.
  • Louis XVI Dies

    Was sentenced to the guillotine.
  • National Draft

    Issued called for all able-bodied men to enlist in the army
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Court sentenced 20,000-40,000 people to death (death by guillotine)
  • New Constitiuion

    Took effect after the Vendemiare. Supressed by General Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Fall of the Directiory

    Heralds of the end of the French Revolution
  • Parliment is Purged

    Many deputies royalists and sent to colony of French Guinea called the "Dry Guillotine"