French revolution

  • Starts the revolution

    Starts the revolution
    1789: 1 May: meeting of the General States. June 20 – Third-state meeting at the Ball Game. July 14: Take the Bastille
  • Moderate Stage constitutional monarchy

    Moderate Stage constitutional monarchy
    August 4 – Abolition of feudalism. August 26 – Declaration of the rights of man and citizen
  • First french constitution

    First french constitution
    First political parties created.
  • The Republican convention and the fall of the monarchy

    The Republican convention and the fall of the monarchy
    August 1792: assault on the Tuileries and new assembly. September 1792 to June 1793 Girondino government, condemn to death Louis XVI and war against European countries
  • The Republican convention and the fall of the monarchy

    Girondino government of transition and triumph of the moderate bourgeoisie
  • The directory

    Executive branch in the hands of a five-member board and Napoleon's coup d'eer
  • The consulate

    Executive power held by three people and Napoleon consul lifetime
  • The Napoleonic empire (1804-1814)

    The Napoleonic empire (1804-1814)
    New constitution, Napoleon proclaimed emperor by Pope Pius VII in the Cathedral of Paris. External conflicts. Economic blockade of Britain. Defeat of Trafalgar. Defeat of Spain and Portugal. The great Napoleonic empire. End of the Napoleonic Empire. Defeats in Russia and Spain. Battle of Leipzig. Napoleon is taken to the island of Elba. Return of Napoleon. Battle of Waterloo.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    Restoration of the old regime and fight against liberalism. Restoration of European borders. Creation of the Holy Alliance: Prussia, Russia and the Austrian Empire.