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French Revolution

By Arixen
  • Louis XVI accepts the National Assembly

    Louis XVI accepts the National Assembly
    The start of the Constitutional Assembly and the Constitutional Monarchy
  • Period: to

    Constitutional monarchy

  • Legislative assembly

    Legislative assembly
    The National Assembly made some legal reforms. Feudal rights were abolished, the Declaration of the Rights of the Man was written, the National guard was created…
  • The royal family tries to escape

    The royal family tried to escape with some servants; but, near to the northern border, they were recognised and taken to Paris.
  • France declares preventive war on Austria

    Known the events, the common people attacked the Twileries Palace, took the royal family and declared the republic war.
  • Girondin Convention

    The control was taken by the moderates. There was a new assembly elected by universal male suffrage (National Convention)
  • Period: to

    Social republic

  • Jacobin Convention

    Jacobin Convention
    Under the jacobins control, the government imposed a dictatorship. Freedoms were suspended and those who protested or criticised the government were inprosioned or executed. Because of that this period is also called The Terror.
  • Olympe de Gouges is guillotined

    Olympe de Gouges is guillotined
    During the National Convention, she sided with the Girondins. During the Reign of Terror, she was charged with activism and executed by guillotine.
  • Louis XVI is convinted of treason

    Because of this he was guillotined
  • Marie Antoinette is guillotined

  • The final act of the Convention

    The final act of the Convention
    Robespierre and some other jacobins were executed.
  • Period: to

    The Directory

    A new government with more moderate bourgeoisie. It included an elected legislature and a executive branch with 5 directors, one of those was Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Period: to

    The Consulate

    The Directory prove to by ineffective; because of that, it was replaced by a Consulate which was formed by three men.
  • Napoleon becomes First Consul

  • Napoleon starts his conquest

    Napoleon starts his conquest
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon becomes Emperor of France
    Napoleon declared himself Emperor of France with general approval.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Empire

    Napoleon signed a concordant with the Church and imposed the the Civil Code and the Commercial Code. Also the Bank of France appeared.
  • Napoleon is defeated

    Napoleon is defeated
    He was defeated in the battle of Waterloo by British, Prussian and Dutch. He was confined to the island of Santa Helena.