French revolution

French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Estates General

    Estates General
    Third estate formed the National
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    National Assembly vowed to meet until they created a constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastiile

    Storming of the Bastiile
    National Assembly stormed the Bastille for the weapons
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    Inspired by natural rights, the National Assembly drafted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen to create an important document stating that all men are equal. Unfortunately, this excluded women.
  • Women’s March

    Women’s March
    Large groups of women marched to the palace of Versailles in protest of the scarcity of bread, and there were rumors that the palace held large supplies of it. The women took over the palace and took the bread.
  • Champ de Mars Massacre

    Champ de Mars Massacre
    Louis XVI returned home from his flight and the citizens were angry. He accepted the new constitution but the Jacobins had invaded and signed the petition. The crowd became agitated and started to fight. At least 50 people were harmed or killed.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    The constitution tried to establish a popular sovereignty
  • King’s Execution

    King’s Execution
    Louis XVI was executed by guillotine and Marie Antoinette was guillotined later that year in October.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    The Committee of Public Safety is formed as a de facto executive government during the Reign of Terror. Robespierre leads the committee.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    Robespierre is killed and the Committee of Public Safety is dissolved