Convocation of the Estates General
The gathering of 300 hundred people from the first and second states and 600 people from the thrid. Each estate got one vote towards the outcome or solution of the debt the king had to pay. The third estate was out voted and so they had to pay more taxes. Picture from:
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/564005553306618239/ -
Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was an agreement inside of the National Assembly that they would continue to meet, no matter where or when, until they created a new constitution. Picture from:
http://whenintime.com/EventDetails.aspx?e=46de32cb-26df-48f5-80c2-03ae6f9e20cd&t=/tl/samaria/elodie_samaria_french_revolution/ -
Storming of the Bastille
The revolutionaries in the French Revolution broke into the Bastille, which was a jail and a place to keep weapons. They stole weapons to arm themselves with. The mob started fires and shot anyone who tried to stop them. Later after the revolutionaries gained control, the Bastille was torn down brick for brick. Picture from:
https://www.awesomestories.com/asset/view/French-Revolution-Storming-the-Bastille -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
This dcument stated basic rights that the people should have and things that the government should do. Picture from:
http://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/declaration-rights-of-man-and-citizen/ -
Women’s March
The women of France had a suspesion or a rumor was going around that the queen was hoarding grain or wheat. The women were mad becuase they didn't have enough wheat to make bread and so their family was starving. The women banded together to steal back what they thought was theirs. They rioted until the king promised for bread to be distrubuted in Versailles. Picture from:
https://lindsaykovac13fr.wordpress.com/2014/04/05/womens-march-on-versailles/ -
Champ de Mars Massacre
The Champ de Mars Massacre started withe people gathering at Champ de Mars to sign a petition to get rid of the king. Soon the crowd got so big the National Guard had to fire warning shots. In response the people started throwing stones. The National Guard was starting to get hurt so they fired into the crowd. Picture from:
http://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/champ-de-mars-massacre/ -
Constitution of 1791
A French constitution created by the National Assembly. It declared France a consttuional monarchy. Within this new government, all legislative powers went to a single Legislative Assembly, which alone had the power to declare war and raise taxes. Picture from:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_May_3,_1791 -
King’s Execution
After being kept captive the king was aventually executed during the Reign of Terror. He was killed by Guillotine. Picture from:
http://www.napoleonguide.com/guillotine_louis.htm -
Committee of Public Safety
Created by the National Convention, it formed the de Facto government. Picture from:
http://cdaworldhistory.wikidot.com/revolution-brings-reform-and-terror -
End of the Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror ended when Robespierre was executed. He was the leader of the Reign of Terror until people became suspicious of him. Picture from: