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French Revolution

  • King Louis XVI calls the estates general

    King Louis XVI calls the estates general
    The meeting was called because of the economic and financial struggles of France at the time. This meeting was to encourage people to raise taxes in order to raise money. The poor harvest and excessive spending by leaders only worsen the condition of the country. This relates to Napoleon's excessive spending and poor harvest because of the financial crisis as well as the shortages.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    People of the third estate were locked out of a legislative meeting and therefore gathering in a tennis court to vow to continue meeting until they established a constitution. This correlates to the establishment of the Devalatoin of the Rights of Man because they wanted to establish equality and the want for a constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille, a prison that mainly held political prisoners and represented by Royal authority was stormed because it was seen as a symbol of abuse by a monarch and the storming was a way to "Challenge" the king's authority. This storming and belief of the abuse of power lead to the common use of the Guillioine.
  • National Assembly adopts of Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    National Assembly adopts of Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    This document was written to show the want for more freedoms for the people. After the tennis court oath and the desire to have a french constitution, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was created. This document stated that people were created equal and free and therefore should not be under a controlling monarchy. This allowed for enlightenment thinking to persue and forced the upper class to acknowledge the third estate.
  • The Women’s March on Versailles Napoleon's coup d'état, overthrowing the Directory

    The Women’s March on Versailles Napoleon's coup d'état, overthrowing the Directory
    Women in Paris were rioting because of the high prices and scarcity of bread. Those who decided to join in decided to march to the king to make sure they were heard. However, bread would only become more and more scarce because of poor harvest, which leads to further financial instability. This relates to the event of Napoleon's excess spending leads to a financial crisis.
  • The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria

    The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria
    The legislative assembly claimed that Austria was siding with the revolutionaries, which meant that they were going against Frances's security and sovereignty. This lead to many being dissatisfied with the rulers and leading to public executions.
  • Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine

    Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine
    His excessive spending and abuse of powers were just some of the factors that lead to his demise. Those who lead the revolutionaries were upset with his rule and decided to set an example for those who opposed them. The storming of the Bastille would be an example of his abuse of power as the Bastille was a symbol of injustice due to its particular political prisoners.
  • Robespierre's Reign of Terror

    Robespierre's Reign of Terror
    after the execution of Louis XVI, people were optimistic about taking their own goals and achieving them. However, this leads to some actions of violence on whoever opposed the revolution, primarily by the guillotine.
  • The Directory is installed

    As a result of the leadership of France being unstable, the directory was in charge of governing France. After the demise of the King, the directory held executive authority in France although they were no sure what to do without a king/leader.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba Napoleon is declared First Consul

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba Napoleon is declared First Consul
    Under the First French Republic, Napoleon had established himself greatly since he had been able to lead successful campaigns. One example is when he chose to lead a coup d'état, he was successful in becoming the first consul. As a result of his success, he was then chosen to become emperor. Although this eventually leads to his demise as a leader due to his excessive spending and another food shortage, as such with Louis XVI.
  • Napoleon is declared Emperor Excessive spending and poor harvests lead to a financial crisis in France

    Napoleon is declared Emperor Excessive spending and poor harvests lead to a financial crisis in France
    Napoleon was able to become emperor as a result of his successes in campaigns and his popularity. Napoleon's desire to live a lavish lifestyle meant excessive spending. As a result of this, his spending plunged France into a further financial crisis. This worsened with the upcoming failure of the harvest.
  • Napoleon is defeated in Russia Battle of Trafalgar

    Napoleon had previous victories from the start of when he began his rule, but as he progressed as Emperor of France, he began to suffer more defeats. Going up against the British and the Franco-Spanish navy proved to be a mistake. The loss against Britain secured Britain's control of the seas.
  • The Continental System is implemented

    The system came to be during the Napoleonic wars and as a result of the defeat faced in the Battle of Trafalgar. The continental system was a foreign policy that Napoleon enacted against the United Kingdom. The system entailed a large-scale embargo against British trade, this caused British exports to heavily drop in price. However, smuggling became rampant and the British blockade created a rise in European nationalism, backfiring on Napoleon.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig (Battle of the Nations)

    Because of the Battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon's army was already seriously injured and reduced. Napoleon's defeat at Leipzig destroyed what power was left in France. The battle totaled around 127,000 casualties.
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    After his defeat at Leipzig and the Battle of Trafalgar. Napoleon's military support had weakened. Following the lack of military force, Napoleon was unable to defeat the British. Napoleon was then forced to renounce his throne. In order to make sure he would never come back, Napoleon had been sent into exile to St. Helena.