French Revolution

  • King Louis XV dies.

    King Louis XV dies.
    After being stabbed King Louis fell into a deep depression and soon later he caught smallpox and died. Some of his final words were "Apres moi le deluge" it means after me wiil be the fall of france.
  • King Louis XVI is crowned king

    King Louis XVI is crowned king
    After the fall of King Louis XV his grandson Louis XVI is crowned king
  • King Louis' Weaknesses

    King Louis' Weaknesses
    King Louis XVI has always been easily perssuaded and shy... These quality aren't good as a king for anything. Louis XVI himself knew that he wasnt ready, he once said "Protect us Lord for we reign too young". signifiying tht he was not ready to be the ruler of france.
  • Talk of revolt...

    Talk of revolt...
    King the new king and his wife Marie Antoiette didnt like each other that much and the biggest job the king and queen had were to have Childeren so their could be another heir to the throne but King Louis refused to even touch Marie, until her brother had a "talk" with King Louis no one knows what Marie's brother had to say to him but soon after he had 3 kids (2 boys and 1 girl). This still did not please the people of france because there were still rumors of revolt....
  • France's Bankruptcy...

    France's Bankruptcy...
    After the Frech lost to Britian in the Seven Years War it left france bankrupt, and after King Louis XV he left a mess For King Louis XVI to clean up.
  • The calling together of the Estates

    The calling together of the Estates
    To help King Louis get find a way to gain money to boost the economy back up he calls up all three estates in France called The Estates General meeting
  • King Louis Locks The Third Estate out of the meeting.

    King Louis Locks The Third Estate out of the meeting.
    The first and second estate agreed on pretty much everything and so King Louis thought it would be a good idea to lock the third estate out because their vote didnt really matter.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The third estate is now infuriated, they storm the handball courts of Versailles andswear an oath to change the government of France which created The National Assembly
  • The King hires Mercenaries

    The King hires Mercenaries
    The King hires mercenaries to scare or intimidate the national assembly because he no longer trusted his own soilders.
  • The Storming of The Bastille

    The Storming of The Bastille
    Rumors spread that the king had called mecenaries to wipe the National Assembly out, this enraged the National Assembly which forced them to raid the Bastille an old prison famous for its torture. Here they got their gun powder and weapons to arm themselves in the revolution
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    French women who worked at the fish market were fed up with the Queen and Kings neglect and taxes on the country. So they decided to protest all the way to Versailles to demand the King and Queen for bread. The crowd soon grew larger and soon out number the kings gaurds and the crowd demanded that Louis and his family go back to Paris, and so they went.
  • Austria & Prussia Joins the Fight

    Austria & Prussia Joins the Fight
    Fredrick-William II the king of Prussia sought out to rescue the King and Queen out of France and put them back on the throne. Austria also was in the war and soon left the fight leaving Austria in the war by themselves.
  • King Louis Mistake

    King Louis Mistake
    Thinking that Austria will win the war King Louis XVI throws a party and stomps on on the New Tricolour flag this was not taken lightly the people of France put him on an unfair trial and he lost and was executed via the Guillotine.
  • Maximillion's dimise

    Maximillion's dimise
    Being at the top can make you crazy.. constanly thinking someone is out to hurt you and the revolution. One way Robespierre soothed his mind is to kill everyone and everything that was against the revoution. Now that the king is dead he is basically in full control of the country. Now more paranoid than ever he begins the reign of terror and 25,000 people were killed. This angered the jacobins and he was arrested later he shot himself ing the jaw and the he was executed.
  • Napolean's Civil Code

    Napolean's Civil Code
    To stop all of the violence in France Napolean made the civil codes so there couldnt be any rampage in the streets of France
  • The Rise of Napolean Bonaparte

    The Rise of Napolean Bonaparte
    1804 Napolean Bonparte is with the Pope sooned to be crowned emperor during the corination Napolean takes the crown from the pope and puts it on his head himself, starting the Reign of Napolean
  • Napolean's Exile to Elba

    Napolean's Exile to Elba
    Napolian was Exiled to elba in 1804
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna is the congregation of all European countries to fix borders and regulate Europe back to where it was.
  • Napoleon's 100 days

    Napoleon's 100 days
    Napoleon's 100 day were basically the return of him being exiled to Elba. He convinced all of his soilders to help him get back on the throne. His fight got him back on the throne, but he lost to Prussia and Great Britain.