French Revolution

  • Estates generals meet

    Estates generals meet
    The French economy was in chaos by the late 1780s. The decades of war had drained the treasury, and the country was nearly bankrupt. To raise money, Louis XVI decided that the people, including the French Nobles, should pay more taxes. But the Nobles blocked Louis XVI's plan. In desperation, Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General to address the economic crisis. In fact, when Louis called the meeting, the Estates-General had not gathered in more than 170 years.
  • Storming of the bastille

    Storming of the bastille
    600 Parisians successfully attacked the Bastille and took control of it. This event inspired other French people to take up arms against the king and the nobles. The storming of Bastille became a nationalist symbol because they helped share a sense of belonging to a nation.
  • Declaration of the rights of men

    Declaration of the rights of men
    The ¨Declaration of the rights of men¨ was a document written in 1789 by a french man named Marquis de La Fayette. The document stated many new rights put in place for men.
  • Establishment of the New Constitution

    Establishment of the New Constitution
    The "constitution of 1791" was the new French constitution created by the National Assembly during the French Revolution. It limited the power of the monarchy as sovereignty was sided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting. The constitution lasted less than a year.
  • The start of the reign of terror

    The start of the reign of terror
    Revolutionary leaders fearing opposition within the country, a began crackdown that became known as the Reign of Terror. This period lasted for 11 months in 1793 and 1794. The constitution was suspended and anyone who criticized the revolution was targeted. Thousands of people were sentenced to death during this time.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows the Directory
    Napoleon overthrows the Directory by coup d'état, trickery, and force. Directory and the French Revolution itself came to an end with the coup d'état in which Napoléon overthrew the Directory and replaced it with the Consulate.
  • Napoleon crowns himself as Emperor of france

    Napoleon crowns himself as Emperor of france
    Napoleon crowns himself Emperor which he then uses to restore the hereditary monarchy in France, with himself as Emperor. Napoleon uses this new power and money to start building his ideal empire in France.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    The French invasion of Russia, known in Russia as the Patriotic War of 1812 and in France as the Russian campaign, began on 24 June 1812 when Napoleon's Grande Armée crossed the Neman River in an attempt to engage and defeat the Russian Army.
  • The Congress of Vienna Meets

    The Congress of Vienna Meets
    representatives from all the states which had participated in the wars were invited. the "Big Four," Britain, Russia, France, and Austria met to reconstruct the map of Europe and develop a balance of power that would prevent another massive take-over by one country.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
    The Waterloo battle was fought between the French Army of the North and two Seventh Coalition armies, an Anglo-allied army and a Prussian army, that defeated Napoleon in the decisive Battle of Waterloo.