French Revolution

  • Bad Harvests from 1787-1788

    Bad Harvests from 1787-1788
    The bad harvests slowed down manufacturing which led to food shortages, higher prices for food, and unemployment.
  • Meeting of the Estates General at Versailles

    Meeting of the Estates General at Versailles
    The first meeting of the Estates Generals since 1614 and the Third Estates argued that France needed Constitutional Government, but was out voted by the First and Second Estates.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The Third Estates declared themselves as a National Assembly and drafted a constitution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the Third Estates deputies arrived at Versailles they were locked out and decieded to move their Assembly to a nearby tennis court and agreed to the Tennis Court Oath in which they all agreed to meet until they had a constitution.
  • Protest for the Price of Bread

    Protest for the Price of Bread
    900 Parisians gathered at the courtyard of Bastille which was being used as a prison and an armory. These Parisians protested because the price of bread reached a record high price and the people were starving.
  • Abolishment of the Upper Class

    Abolishment of the Upper Class
    The National Assembly decieded to abolish all privileges that the upper class had.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    The National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen which was based of the English Bill of Rights of 1689.
  • Parisian Women Protest

    Parisian Women Protest
    Parisian women marched with pitchforks, broomsticks, and swords to Versailles to protest to the king who eventually allowed some women to come in and talk to him.
  • The King Returns to Paris

    The King Returns to Paris
    The king returned to Paris with wagon loads of flour from the storage rooms of Versailles.
  • The New Constitution

    The New Constitution
    France created a Constitution which created a limited monarchy that still had a king, but added a Legislative Assembly which would create laws. This also allowed men over the age of 25 to vote if they were a citizen.
  • Royal Family Flee

    Royal Family Flee
    The royal family attempted to flee Paris in disguises. They were eventually caught and captured at Varennes and were sent back to Paris.
  • War against Austria

    War against Austria
    The Legislative Assembly decieded to declare war on Austria because they thought that they would use force to give all power back to Louis XVI.
  • Protest on Food Shortages

    Protest on Food Shortages
    Angry citizens citizens protested on food shortages and the defeats that France have gotten during the war.
  • The End of the Monarch

    The End of the Monarch
    After a chaotic year of events including food shortages the monarch was demolished and the new leader appointed leader was Georges Danton. The royal family needed to seek protection from the Legislative Assembly.
  • Emergence of Jean-Paul Marat

    Emergence of Jean-Paul Marat
    Violence of the streets left thousands dead and made new leaders emerge like Jean-Paul Marat.
  • Creation of the National Convention

    Creation of the National Convention
    The National Convection began meeting to draft a new constitution and create a new ruling body of France. They also helped abolish the monarch and create a republic.
  • Coalition against France

    Coalition against France
    In late spring Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the Dutch formed a coalition to invade France.
  • King Louis XVI Execution

    King Louis XVI Execution
    King Louis XVI was executed and beheaded on the guillotine. This created more enemies for the revolutionist.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    The Committee of Public Safety to charge of France after thousands of people were getting executed by the guillotine.
  • The End of the Revolution

    The End of the Revolution
    French forces had defeated foreign forces and ended the need of the guillotine, but Robespierre stilled enjoyed executed people with it.
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    Robespierre was executed by the guillotine which ended the Reign of Terror.
  • Napoleon Returns a Hero

    Napoleon Returns a Hero
    When Napoleon returned to France after his victories he was given command of an army to invade Britain.
  • British Navy defeats Napoleons Army

    British Navy defeats Napoleons Army
    The British Navy defeated Napoleons forces in Egypt on their way to India, but Napoleon abandoned his army and returned to Paris.
  • Coup d’état

    Coup d’état
    Napoleon participated in the coup d’état which overthrew the government and created a republic even though Napoleon held absolute power.
  • Catholic Church Back in France

    Catholic Church Back in France
    Napoleon mad a deal with the Pope, the government will recognize Catholicism as the majority religion in France and France wouldn't need to return need to return land back to the church.
  • Consul for Life

    Consul for Life
    Napoleon was named consul for life with the title Emperor Napoleon I.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States for $15 million. This gave Napoleon more money for more military campaigns in Europe than worry about things going on across the Atlantic.
  • Period: to

    Wars against the European Coalition

    The peace treaty that France signed with the European Coalition in 1802 didn't last long. From 1803-1807 Napoleon raged wars against the European Coalition and defeated the Austrian, Prussian, and Russian armies.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Before the revolution France had over 300 different legal systems. When Napoleon came to be in charge he created seven laws that preserved the principle that the reactionaries fought for. These were called the Napoleonic Codes.
  • France Tries to Invade Britain

    France Tries to Invade Britain
    The French-Spanish army tired to invade Britain in Trafalgar, but were defeated and ruined Napoleons dreams to invade Britain.
  • The Fall of Napoleon Begins

    The Fall of Napoleon Begins
    Napoleon tries to invade Russia once again, but this time he didn't succeed and his empire slowly end.
  • The "Great Retreat"

    The "Great Retreat"
    Instead of fighting Russian Villages burnt down their villages so Napoleons Army couldn't find more food. When they arrived to Moscow they saw the city was in ablaze. Napoleon started his "Great Retreat" all they way through Russia and back to France. Many soldiers died.
  • Napoleon Exiled

    Napoleon Exiled
    Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba (an island northwest off the coast of Italy), and restored the monarch by crowing the executed King Louis XVI brother King Louis XVIII.
  • Napoleon Returns

    Napoleon Returns
    Napoleon managed to leave Elba and entered Paris triumphantly along with many of his former soldiers.
  • Napoleon's Final Defeat

    Napoleon's Final Defeat
    Napoleon met a combined army of Britain and Prussia and suffered a bloody defeat. Napoleon was then exiled to St. Helena (a small island in the southern Atlantic), until his death in 1821.
  • Napoleon's Bloody Defeat

    Napoleon's Bloody Defeat
    Napoleon met a combined army of Britain and Prussia and suffered a bloody defeat. Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena (a small island in the southern Atlantic), he stayed their until his death in 1821.