Baixa (1)

French revolution

By Arxival
  • Period: to

    Constitutional Monarchy

  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The revolution breaks out and the Sans-Culottes storm the bastille as an act of reivindication
  • Girondins want to abolish Ancient Régime

    Girondins want to abolish Ancient Régime
    They wanted to have a parliament, selective suffragism and have a constitution. (com que no hi ha data exacte però si que és posterior a l'atac a la bastille la data és falsa)
  • Constitution was created

    Constitution was created
    The first french constitution was approved but the king had power of veto.
  • Period: to

    Social Republic

  • The king Louis XVI tried to flee

    The king Louis XVI tried to flee
    The king tried to flee with the royal carriage but he was captured.
  • Republic was proclaimed

    Republic was proclaimed
    The radical bourgeoisie (Jacobins) proclaimed the Republic.
  • Reign of terror started

    Reign of terror started
    After the war with austria and the absolutist coalision started it started a new era in france era called reign of terror to stop the invasions and internal problems.
    There was a mass levy that forces all citizens to join the army.
    Freedoms were suspended and oppositors and possible conspirators were executed (20.000 executions by guillotine)
  • Luis XVI And Marie Antoinette Were executed as traitors

    Luis XVI And Marie Antoinette Were executed as traitors
    After the trial to flee they were executed as a traitors of the constitution in the place de la Concorde
  • Fall of the Jacobins

    Fall of the Jacobins
    After stabilizate the country the reign of terror was unnecessary radicalism and in cause of this the people made a coup that ended to the Jacobin governement. (they executed Robespierre and other leaders)
  • The moderates take back control of the republic

    The moderates take back control of the republic
    They implemented a new moderate liberalism and it was very unstable, people wanted the return of the Jacobins, the old aristocracy conspired to return the monarchy. Absolute monarchies were attacking france too
  • Period: to

    Conservative Republic

  • Exiled people can return

    Exiled people can return
    The people that exiled during the reign of terror can return.
  • Napoleon leads a coup.

    Napoleon leads a coup.
    Napoleon lead a coup after he made consul and after emperor.