French Revolution

By AJunk13
  • Declaration of the right of men

    July Through August
  • Estates general meets

    Estates general meets
  • National assembly formed

    National assembly formed
  • Bastille is Stormed

    Bastille is Stormed
  • Great Fear sweeps France

  • poor woman of Paris March on Versailles

  • Louis XVI is beheaded

  • Period: to


    the revolution was just starting and was getting geared up to fight
  • civil constitution of the clergy is Adopted

  • constitution creates a limited monarchy

  • Royal family attempts to flee France

  • France becomes a Republic

    France becomes a Republic
  • Paris mob invade Turleries Palace

    Paris mob invade Turleries Palace
  • napoleon abdicates the throne

  • Period: to


    The revolution started to get more violent with things like bombings and executions
  • Committee of public safety is created

  • Marie Antoinette is beheaded

  • Region of terror

  • Robespierre is beheaded

  • Third constitution is adopted

  • Directory takes power

  • Period: to


    France starts to become more stable after all of the radical changes
  • Napoleon becomes 1st consul

  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon

    Napoleon is in power and becomes Emperor of a hereditary monarchy
  • Napoleon invades egypt

    Napoleon invades egypt
  • Concordat with Catholic Church

  • Napoleon named consul for life

  • Napoleonic code is adapted

  • Napoleon becomes emperor

  • Trafalgar Battle

  • Austerlitz Battle

  • Napoleon invades russia

    Napoleon invades russia
  • Battle of leipzig

    Battle of leipzig
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

  • Napoleon invades spain

    Napoleon invades spain
  • Battle of waterloo

    Battle of waterloo
  • Napoleon returns from Elba

  • Napoleon Exiled to St. Helena

  • Napoleon Died