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French revolution

  • National assembly

    National assembly
    3rd estate deceleration that is was the only true government in France
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    A pledge made by the members of France´s national assembly in 1789,which they vowed to keep meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    The people of the city decided to go to the Bastille prison to get gunpowder to defend the National assembly but the prison refused so they fought until the prison surrendered
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    A wave of senseless panic that spread through France after the storming of Bastille
  • Deceleration of the rights of man

    Deceleration of the rights of man
    statement of fundamental of political rights adopted by the french
  • Civil constitution of the clergy

    Civil constitution of the clergy
    Bishops and priests were to be elected by the people and paid by the state. The french government now controlled the church, alot catholics were enemies of the revolution
  • Flight of Louis XVI

    Flight of Louis XVI
    A failed attempt of king louis trying to escape france
  • King Louis death

    King Louis death
    King Louis got beheaded