Louis XVI convokes État-général on suggestion of former finance minister Jacques Necker, to hear grievances
Summoning of the Estates-General
Tennis Court Oath
King rejects Resolutions of the tiers etat
National Assembly declares itself Constituent Assembly
Storming of the Bastille
Surrender of Feudal Rights
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Outbreak of Paris mob
Constitution accepted by King Louis XV
Flight to Varennes of the Royal Family
Declaration of Pillnitz
French declare war against Austria
Execution of Louis XVI
Abolition of the worship of God: Cult of Reason
Festival of the Supreme Being
Fall of Maximilien Robespierre
Constitution of 1795
Convention dissolved; Directory begins
The Coup d'Etat of Brumaire (18 Brumaire); end of the Directory
Constitution of the Year VIII: Dictatorship of Napoleon established under the Consulate