French Revolution

  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille is a french prison and its in Paris, France. On July 14th 1789 the Bastille was stormed by a mob and during the french revolution The Bastille was a symbol of power. The Bastille held seven prisoners at the time it was stormed but no one game to help them and the governor was did not comply to they killed him and put his head on a spike for everyone to see
  • Start of French Revolution

    Start of French Revolution
    This is the start of the French Revolution
  • Call of the Estates Generals

    Call of the Estates Generals
    King Louis called a meeting. It was the first meeting of the Estates General since 1614. He called the meeting because the French government was having problems. One of the first issues were how they were going to vote.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    On June 17th 1789, The third estate began calling themselves the National Assembly. On June 20 the chamber doors were locked and guarded by soldiers. King Louis XVI was worried about a royal attack so they were moved to a indoor tennis court and they took the tennis court oath
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Royal Family attempts to flee

    Royal Family attempts to flee
    On June 20th, 1791 the royal family attempted to flee Paris to Varennes. King Louis XVI realized that things were too dangerous because of the revolution. When they were caught in Varennes their trust faded completely and the government became hostile towards them
  • Overthrow of the Monarchy

    Overthrow of the Monarchy
    August 10th, 1792 the overthrown of the monarchy occurred. French revolutionaries over threw the monarchy because they found King Louis XVI guilty of treason.
  • The First invasion of the Tuileries

    The First invasion of the Tuileries
    June 20th, 1792 This is one of the Revolutionary turning points. On this day a little more than three years after the attack on the Bastille, the people of Paris laid siege on the Tuileries. The Tuileries was the official home of King Louis XVI and the Legislative Assembly.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    On January 21st, 1793 King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine. The revolutionaries made Marie Antoinette watch as King Louis XVI was executed
  • Execution of the Queen

    Execution of the Queen
    October 16th, 1793 This day the day that Marie Antoinette was executed by the guillotine. She was the first execution after the Reign of Terror started. She watched as King Louis XVI was executed before she was.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    July 27th, 1794 Robespierre was one of the best and well known influential people in the French Revolution. He played the biggest role of the execution of King Louis XVI. Robespierre was a tyrant so when he was arrested he was pewit on trial and he was executed by guillotine the very next day.