Meeting of the Estates General
This meeting was an aim to solve the monarchy's financial crisis. There were three classes represented by the Estates General: the nobles, clergy, and the rest of the population called the third state. Each state had only one vote so as a result the nobles and the clergy will always overrule the Third State. -
A Weak Leader
Louis XIV paid little attention to his goverment advisers, and also he had little patience for the details of governing. Also one of the mains probems was his wife becuase she interfered in the goverment, and didn't offered good advice to his husband. Also his wife brrought him many problems becuase she was from Austria and it was one of the main enemies of the French. -
Voted to establlish the National Assembly- leads to the Tennis Court Oath
After the Third State was locked out of the meeting of the Estates General, they moved into an indoor tennis court where they pledged the so-called Tenis Court Oath, and past all the time their until they wrote their costitutuion. -
The National Assembly
The Third State were eager to make changes in the goverment. So the three states meet togather to discuss, and voted to establish the national assembly if effect of ending with the absolute monarchy, and the begining of the of representative goverment. This vote was the first deliberate act of revolution. So the third state went to a tennis court where they decided that they will stay their until they had a new costitution writen. -
Storming of the Bastille
The people from the Third State were so angry becuase of the lack of money, and food. So a huge crowd of people gathered togather and marched to the Bastille to attack it and destroy it, and the French army just resisted some hours, and then they need to give up. Attacking the Bastille was a symbole of how angry the Third state was angry with the king Louis XIV becuase the Bastille meaned a lot to the king. -
Feudalism is ended, divisions between estates ended
The National Assembly was replaced by a new political body named the Legislative Assembly. No member of the Nationsl Assembly was part of the legisalative body, so everything was diffrent becuase no one who was part of the national assembly participated at the legislative assembly. Also the old rules disappeared and new rules were created. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
It's a National Constituent Assembly were there was a document with the history of human and civil rights, and was influenced by Thomas Jefferson and by the natural right. It was decided that all men are equal so that their were no reasone of why the population needed to be divided in 3 states, and thanks to this document their has been an development of of liberty and democracy in Europe and worldwide. -
Bread Riots
Woman and men in France wanted to eat bread becuase it was the food that most of the people of the third state could pay for, so they wanted to eat bread because it wasen't that expensive. But Marie Antoinette was selfish and said "let them eat cake", and the people were really furious with her becuase they could't belive how little she cared of her people. -
Louis Tries to Escape
Some of the advisers of Louis XIV warned him that he and his family were in danger. Many supporters of the monarchy were scared and dicided to leave France because they knew that onyl problems were going to happen, and may influence them. Then the royal family tried to escape to the Austrian Netherlands. As Louis was attempting to escape he increased influence his radical enemies in the goverment and sealed his fate. -
The War Continues
The National Convention also had to contend with the continuing war with Austria and Prussia. At about the time the Convention took office, the French army won a stunning victory against the Austrians and Prussians at the Battle of Valmy. But Great Britain, Holland, and Spain joined Austria and Prussia to try to beat France, and they did the French suffered a string of deafts, and the amount of people in their army decreased because of that wars.