
French revolution

  • The Estates General Called

    The Estates General Called
    1200 deputies from all over france came to the event. For the first time since 1614 they met to discuss the government's financial problems. The meeting started at Notre-Dame, went to the Place d'Armes, and finished the meeting at the church of Saint Louis. The 3rd Estate found out that the royal decree was giving double representation to the higher estates even though the 3rd estate had the majority of the people.
  • Period: to

    French revolution

  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    Between June 17th and July 9th, the national assembly was in affect. The national assembly was formed by representatives of the 3rd Estate that were part of the Estate general. The assembly was of the people and not the estate. This gave the people say in what the government decided.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National assembly wasn't let in the meeting of the Estates general. So they met in the closest room, the room that they met was a hall that the sport of tennis was played (salle du jeu de paume). During the meeting they took an oath to never disband until a written constitution had been established from France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Paris being close to insurrection, showed support to the national assembly and the press published the Assembly's debates. The press spread the discussions around the city square, this caused crowds to grow and break open the prisons of abbaye. The Parisians fought and took over the fort.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    A group of majority women met at a Paris marketplace to revolt against the royal government. The riot took over Hotel de Ville where they could acquire bread and weapons. They went to the palace in Versailles to demand to meet with the king. After a while of the crowd waiting at the palace gates they allowed a small group of the women to meet with the king. He gave the women food and lots of them left. Some of the women stayed and demanded to see Marie-Antoinette and they blamed it all on her.
  • Constitutional Monarchy Formed

    Constitutional Monarchy Formed
    The constitution retained the monarchy however took most power away from the crown and gave it to the legislative assembly. The legislative assembly was elected by people voting. For the people to vote they had to be an active citizen who paid little taxes. This constitution lasted less than a year.
  • France becomes a Republic

    France becomes a Republic
    During the french revolution the legislative assembly voted to get rid of the monarchy completely. The newly made national convention was made up of the Girondins. The Girondins support the Montagnards, who favor a central regime, and the Marais who are positioned in between the two.
  • Beheading of King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette

    Beheading of King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette
    At the national conventions first meeting they decided to try King Louis vi for treason, they found him guilty and sentenced him to death by guillotine. He was killed on January 21st, 9 months later Marie Antoinette was also killed. Marie Antoinette was also tried for treason and beheaded by guillotine.
  • Beginning of the reign of terror

    Beginning of the reign of terror
    The revolutionary decided to use fear or "terror" to keep the people in line with the views of the revolutionary government. The government took harsh measures against anyone thought of being enemies of the revolution. Those harsh measures lead to a mass amount of executions by guillotine.
  • End of the Reign of terror

    End of the Reign of terror
    Maximilien Robespierre the leader of the Jacobins, he went on a killing spree, killing everyone that he thought as against the revolution. Later he was arrested and executed.