French Revolution

By de3115
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    Long Term Causes of the French Revolution

    There is many long term causes of the French Revolution one of which is the Estates System. The 3rd estate was the only estate that had to pay taille or taxes. Another long term cause were the political issues that came out of it for example when they tried for government & military positions. Lastly, the bourgeoisie or top of the 3rd estate wanted equal taxes, enlightenment and rights.
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    Short Term Causes of the French Revolution

    Some of the short term causes of the French Revolution are, the financial crisis by King Louis XVI for his overspending, unemployment, bread shortage, the hail storm of 1787- 1788, famine, and riots. Louis XVI was also forced to call the estates general causing the Aristocratic Revolution.
  • Estates-General is called

    Estates-General is called
    The Estates-General is called to Versailles by King Louis XVI. He wants to raise taxes but Parliament would not allow it forcing him to call the Estates-General. This was the first time in 175 years that the Estates-General had to be called.
  • National Assembly is declared

    National Assembly is declared
  • Bastille Day

    Bastille Day
  • August Decrees

    August Decrees
  • Constitution of 1789

    Constitution of 1789
  • Women's march to Versailles

    Women's march to Versailles
  • September Massacure

    September Massacure
  • King is beheaded

    King is beheaded
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

  • Law of Prairial gets into affect and 1,300 people are executed under it

    Law of Prairial gets into affect and 1,300 people are executed under it
  • Robespierre is executed and the Jacobins lose power

    Robespierre is executed and the Jacobins lose power
  • Constitution of Year III

    Constitution of Year III
  • Coup d'etat by Napoleon

    Coup d'etat by Napoleon
  • Napoleon is born

    Napoleon is born
  • Period: to

    Reforms by Napoleon, two main ones are the Civil Code and the Louisana Purchase

  • Triumvirate with Napoleon

    Triumvirate with Napoleon
  • Period: to

    Napoleon Empire

  • Invading of Russia (1st loss), Battle at Waterloo (2nd loss)

    Invading of Russia (1st loss), Battle at Waterloo (2nd loss)
  • French Republic is set up

    French Republic is set up