French Revolution

By st3179
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The Aristocratic Revolution, that of the nobles, challenged the king with taxes which, allowed for the French Revolution to occur. All because they forced the king to call the Estates General or all 3 classes on May 5th, 1789, which hadn't been called in 175 years.and force him to call Estates General
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    After the classes met at Versailles and argued over the unfair voting system, the 3rd class declares they are a National Assembly.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    In June of 1789, 3rd Estate declares it is the National Assembly and they would draft a constitution, the King responds to this by locking the doors to the meeting hall. The 3rd class then meets and makes the Tennis Court Oath on a nearby indoor tennis court.They swear to meet there until a constitution is made.
  • Bastille Day

    Bastille Day
    On July 14, 1789, 900 people of Paris stormed the Bastille, armory/prison, in hopes of getting weapons to fight the King. The got no weapons, but they freed prisoners and cut off warden’s head, this becomes known as the symbol of the French Revolution.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    During the Great Fear the rural peasants were more concerned about feudal obligations and fees to be removed than food. The Great Fear violently rid these feudal obligations for the peasants during the revolution.
  • National Assembly Abolish Estates System

    National Assembly Abolish Estates System
    Aug. 4, 1789- Nat’l Assembly abolishes legal privilege of first 2 Estates. The Assembly quickly wrote a law to stop feudal obligations and fees which ended the Estates System.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was passed after the class system was abolished in August of 1789. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was inspired by the English Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.
  • Womens March

    Womens March
    October 5th, 1789, 6000-7000 women and revolutionaries marched on Versailles after finding there was no bread.
  • Consititution of 1791

    Consititution of 1791
    The Constitution of 1791 set up a Legislative Assembly that was intentionally set up to favor the upper 3rd class, it 1st of several and also created a limited monarchy.
  • Rise of the Sans-Culotte

    Rise of the Sans-Culotte
    A new mob calls themselves the Sans-Culottes- meaning without knee Breeches. They were typically depicted as the poor, working class; however, often upper 3rd Estate. They will drive the revolution from here to the rise of Napoleon
  • Virtue changes

    Virtue changes
    In 1792 the French society changes. There became Good citizens
    mister/madame now citizen. They were now focus on education and abolished slavery in colonies
  • September Massacre

    September Massacre
    As armies from Austria and Prussia marched closer to the city, violence erupted in Paris. People were worried about the large number of political prisoners pushed by Jean Paul Marat. This violence is known as the September Massacre.
  • French Republic

    French Republic
    National Conventionwas called to draft a new constitution. They ran the country and soon abolished the monarchy and sets up the French Republic.
  • Death of the King

    Death of the King
    In 1793 King Louis XVI was beheaded by the Guillotine. Jacobins represent the sans culotte more radical and want the king dead; get what they want
  • Committee of Public Safety/Robespierre

    Committee of Public Safety/Robespierre
    The Committee of Public Safety was a new group that takes over and gains the Jacobin support. They gain broad powers in response to external and internal issues in April of 1793. Maximilien Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobins. They lead to the Reign of Terror. They also gained broad powers in response to internal and external issues.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was from Oct. 1793- July 94. It was led by Jacobins who were lead by Robespierre with the support of the Sans-Culotte. 40,000 people were killed by the Guillotine or execution during the Reign of Terror. Many people were imprisoned and everyone had all their rights suspended.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    During the Thermidorian Reaction, the horrible government under the Jacobins ends when rural peasants revolt due to the anti-Christian changes, no food or bread, and their leader is beheaded.
  • War

    By Sept. 1794, have over 1 million in the French Army. It was the biggest army in Europe had seen, they push back invaders and more. This was a people’s war, typically kings fought with fewer, professional soldiers but now it was the common people fighting for change.
  • Coup d'état

    Coup d'état
    In 1799 a sudden overthrow of the governemt. happened by Napoleon. the government corruption had hit its height.
  • Napoleon

    From 1789-1799 Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military leader. He rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution with his battle strategy's and talent. He conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century.
  • Consul

    Two men wanted to overthrow Directoy, Napoleon helped them do so. He succeed by overthrowing 2 of the consuls in 1802 he makes himself Consul for life.
  • Louisiana Purchase/Bread

    Louisiana Purchase/Bread
    In 1803 Napoleon bought the Louisiana Purchase. It made France a lot of money. With this money Napoleon was able to get his people bread.
  • Empire

    In 1805 Napoleon declares a republic is over. He made France an empire. Napoleon is Emperor of this new empire and ruler over them.
  • Civil Code

    Civil Code
    Napoleon puts in a place the Civil Code in 1804. It organized the 300 different systems in France. It also granted more Revolutionary rights like equality, freedom to choose professions, religious toleration, and abolition feudal obligation and serfdom.
  • Wars

    From 1807-1812 Napoleon fought many wars. He was master of Europe after defeating Prussia, Austria, and Russia.
  • Russia

    In 1812 the Fall of Napoleon began. Russia didn’t like Continental System. So Napoleon had to invade which was a huge risk. He had two options. One was to invade a large country or secondly let their defiance go unpunished.
  • Exile

    In 1814 Napoleon is weakened and Paris is taken. Napoleon was then exiled to the island of Elba. 3 months later he comes back to France with the support of the people.
  • Waterloo/Exile

    In June of 1815 Waterloo fights British and Prussia who are commanded by Duke of Wellington. Duke of Wellington loses horribly and is exiled to St. Helena- a small island in the S. Atlantic. He dies 1821 of stomach cancer.
  • Empire

    In 1804 Napoleon declares republic is over, France. France is an empire, and he is Emperor. Empire doesn't last long.