Storming of the Bastille
The French Revolution officially begins. -
Declaration was Made
The National Assembly forms a Declaration listing citizen rights, and noting the injustice evident in the law. -
March For Bread
Women march to the Versailles palace, wanting the price of bread to be lowered. This intimidates the royals to leave for Paris. -
Jacobin Club Forms
Allows the future revolutionaries and radicals to become heard. -
Flight to Varennes
The King and Queen try to escape France, but are mobbed and captured, returning to the Bastille. -
Constitution is Signed
King Louis XVI signs the document, though order is not actually restored. -
Legislative Assembly Forms
The group takes place after the failure of the Constituent Assembly. -
Guillotine Recognized as Official Execution Tool
Later used to behead thousands, becoming a notorious weapon. -
France Declares War on Austria
The French later flee when confronted. -
September Massacres
Initiated by Danton, over 1,000 aristocrats are executed. -
National Convention Established
The monarchy is abolished and the first French Republic begins. -
King Louis XVI Dies
He was executed by guillotine. -
Civil War in Vendée Begins
It is a battle between those who support the revolution and those who favor the royals. -
Jean-Paul Marat Dies
Despite being known as the "People's Friend," the journalist was assassinated by Charlotte Corday. -
Reign of Terror Begins
Initiated by the "Law of Subjects." -
Law of Subjects is Enforced
Sentences any who oppose the Revolution to death. -
Marie Antoinette Dies
After being put on trial, the Queen is executed by guillotine. -
Reign of Terror Ends
Robespierre is arrested and his supporters are killed. -
Robespierre Dies
His death officially ends the period of destruction. -
Antoine Lavoisier Dies
The chemist is executed after accusations of being a traitor to his country. -
National Anthem Established
"La Marseillaise" is declared the national anthem. -
Directory Takes Over
Established after the approval of the Constitution of Year III. -
Napoleon Becomes Leader
After commanding a French army and forcing the Directorate to resign, Napoleon is officially recognized as Emperor of France.