French Revolution

By Sean_
  • Estates General Called

    Estates General Called
    He was called to help france with the economic crisis. this was the first time in 150 years, I believe That this was not because of the throne but is just because france had gone threw a series of unfortunate events during this time.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    The National Assembly Was formed with one representative from every Estate. This was very Bias because the First and Second Estate were very similar and had majority votes with 2/3. This means that they would always win the vote and keep the third estate at the bottom. This lead to events that caused the over throws the national assembly and becomes a constitutional monarchy.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This event is where the third estate had gotten locked out and so they went to the tennis court and made an oath. The oath was saying that the third estate would be brought together and could not be separated until there was a constitutional monarchy has been established. they vowed that they would reassemble when ever they and where ever they were needed. This was a VERY major event in the french revolution.
  • The Storming of The Bastille

    The Storming of The Bastille
    This major event had happened on the afternoon of july 14, 1789. the third estate had stormed this prison to release many people who were innocent but were on death row. i'm not sure if you would call this a win or a lose because although they had released the innocent prisoners. there was 98 people killed and a near 75 wounded there was 113 that were then captured after this event.
  • Constitutional Monarchy Formed

    Constitutional Monarchy Formed
    King Louis XVI (16) had finally been forced to convert their absolute monarchy into the constitutional monarchy this was A huge step forward for the third estate because this is what they had wanted for a long tie. things are finally looking up for them .with this step being done they are on the road to gaining more rights, Land and Even less tax dollars.
  • France Becomes a Republic

    France Becomes a Republic
    In this event the Mob of women had overpowered king Louis and his powers had been reduced, during this event he had asked for help from the Prussian and Austrian monarchies. Following this Event there had been a army formed and declared war against Prussia and Austria. This is when france became a republic because the monarchy was abolished
  • King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are Beheaded

    King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are Beheaded
    it took nine months but Marie had followed her husbands steps and gone through the guillotine. they were charged for treason and abolished
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    this was a series of back to back massacres and beheadings, it was thought that france was going to purge there own people and keep out other countries.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    Reign of Terror Ends
    after all of the tragic events this had finally ended was when Robespierre was executed an removed from power.