
French Revolution

By JPv2
  • Period: to

    Moderate Phase 1789-1792

    The phase in the French Revolution when the French Revolution actually started and when France became a Republic.
  • Estate Generals Meet

  • National Assembly Formed

  • Period: to

    The Great Fear

    A period where peasants were afraid that royal troops would take their crops and the king would overthrow the Third Estate.
  • Citizens Storm the Bastille

    Citizens Storm the Bastille
  • France Becomes a Republic

    France Becomes a Republic
  • Feudalism is Abolished

  • Declaration of the Rights of Men

  • Women March on Versailles

  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy is Adopted

  • Royal Family Tried to Flee

  • Legislative Assembly

    The Legislative Assembly replaced the Estates General.
  • Period: to

    Radical Phase 1792-1794

    A phase in the French Revolution where the Royal Family was being terrorized, then later executed.
  • Third Constitution is Adopted

  • Attack on Tuileries

    Attack on Tuileries
  • Louis The 16 is Beheaded

  • Committee of Public Safety

  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    a period of remorseless repression or bloodshed, during the French Revolution.
  • Marie Antoinette Executed

  • Robespierre was Beheaded

    Robespierre was Beheaded
  • Period: to

    Reaction Phase 1795-1799

    A phase in the French Revolution where the middle class dominated, France was at war with many nations, and the directory was in power.
  • Directory Takes Power

  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades Egypt

    the French interest in this fight was the weakening of British forces in the area
  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon 1799-1815

    A phase in France where Napoleon Bonaparte ruled.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Becomes 1st Consul

  • Concordat with the Catholic Church

  • Napoleon becomes consul for life

  • Napoleonic Code Adopted

  • Napoleon becomes emperor

  • Battle of Talafagar

    Battle of Talafagar
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades Spain

    The invasion of Spain was in interest to convert it to Napoleonic spain
  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades Russia

    The French wanted to push Russian forces back east
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Abdicates The Throne

  • Napoleon returns from Elba

    Napoleon returns from Elba
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
  • Napoleon Exiled to St. Helena

  • Napoleon dies