Revolucion francesa

French Revolution

  • The meeting of General-Estates

    The meeting of General-Estates
    The met was in Versailles to reconduct the political and economic crisis.
    Nobles and Clergy demanded 1 vote per Estate and the Third Estate wanted 1 per person. Because of this the Third Estate representatives abandoned the Estates General.
    Then they formed the National Assembly and took the Tenis Court Oath, promising to create a constitution.
  • Period: to

    The Constituent Assembly

    This assembly introduced several measures that eliminate the Old Regime:
    -Abolition of the tithe and feudal rights
    -Publication of the DRMC (illustrated ideas)
    -Writing of the first Constitution of France in 1791
    -Division of powers
    -Constitutional monarchy
    -Censitarian suffrage
  • Attack to the Bastilla and the Great Fear

    Attack to the Bastilla and the Great Fear
    People attacked the Bastilla and it is considered as symbol of the Revolution.
    Peasants attacked the nobles in the countryside (Great Fear)
  • Declaration of women's rights

    Declaration of women's rights
    Olympe de Gouges wrote this text to defended equality and that no one is to be disturbed by women's opinions.
  • Period: to

    The Legislative Assembly

    It was a moderate government.
    Nobles and clergy were against the new reforms and radical revolutionaries wanted deeper and more democratics changes.
    Also Austria and Prussia declared war on France.
  • The try of left of royal family

    The try of left of royal family
    Austria and Prussia declared war on France and in august the royal family tried to leave the country but they were taken prisioners.
  • Period: to

    The Girondin Convention

    New elections by universal suffrage choose a new government called National Convention that was more radical.
    This Convention abolished the monarchy and France became a republic.
  • The execution of the king and his wife

    The execution of the king and his wife
    The government judged the king for treason and he was executed along with his wife.
    Because of this Britain and Dutch Republic joined Austria and Prussia against France in the First Coalition.
  • Women's clubs

    Women's clubs
    Women also founded their own clubs. At the meetings, The Assembly decrees were read and discussed. Criticisms and proposals were presented and funds were collected for fellow patriots in need.
    The leading role of women was not accepted by many revolutionaries and, in 1793, the National Convention banned women's clubs.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror (Jacobins)

    Due to the war against The First Coalition, the Jacobins took the power in June 1793. Robespierre became a dictator. His ruling was known as Reign of Terror because he applied great violence and the Committe of Public Safety judged and executed in the guillotine every suspect of being an enemy.
    Robespierre started to lose support and in 1794 moderate revolutionaries arrested and executed him by the guillotine.
  • Period: to

    The Directory

    This new moderate government was created and it created a constitution in 1795 with censitarian suffrage.
    It had very much support, but France society was still divided in radicals (they tried to impose an egalitarian society) and royalists (They wanted to reintroduce monarchy).
  • The coup d'état

    The coup d'état
    Thanks to Napoleon France achieved many victories in the war and he became extremely popular.
    In November 1799 he carried out a coup d'état and created the Consulate.
  • Napoleon as Consul for life

    Napoleon as Consul for life
    In 1802 Napoleon became Consul for Life and two years later he proclaimed himself Emperor of the French, starting the period known as First French Empire.
  • Napoleon as Emperor

    Napoleon as Emperor
    He was crowned as "Emperor" in Rome
  • Napoleon's Domestic Policy

    Napoleon's Domestic Policy
    Napoleon had absolute power and he imposed important reforms:
    -Made all citizens to pay taxes. (he also created the National Bank of France)
    -Lyceé system of education
    -Code Napoleon
    -Freedom of religion
    -Abolition of feudalism
  • Batlle of Austerlitz

    Batlle of Austerlitz
    Napoleon defeated Austria and Russia at this battle.
  • Maritime blockage

    Maritime blockage
    Napoleon set a maritime blockage against Great Britain.
  • Period: to

    The height of Napoleon's power

    He controlled an empire that stretched from France to the borders of Russia.
  • Joseph, as king

    Joseph, as king
    Napoleon invaded Spain and placed his brother, Joseph, as king.
  • Period: to

    Spanish War of Independence

    The conquered and allied peoples of Europe started to opposite Napoleon because they were developing a sense of nationalism. One example is the Spanish War of independence.
  • Failed invasion of Russia

    Failed invasion of Russia
    Napoleon sent an army of 500,000 men to Russia. After the winter, less than 100,000 French returned from Russia.
  • Period: to

    The restoration of absolutism

    The powers that defeated Napoleon met at the Congress of Viena, because they wanted to stop the spread of liberal ideas and restore absolutism in Europe.
    Then, they reshaped the European map and France returned to its borders of 1792.
    The congress established the ideological principles of the Restoration, like legitimacy and the denial of national sovereignty.
  • Batlle of Waterloo and his exile

    Batlle of Waterloo and his exile
    Great Britain and Prussia defeated Napoleon and was sent to exile into the exile into the island of Saint Helena.
  • The Holy Alliance Treaty

    The Holy Alliance Treaty
    In this year it was signed. This stipulated that the absolute monarchs would unite against any threat of liberal revolution.
  • The revolutionary wave of 1830

    The revolutionary wave of 1830
    The insurrections had significant popular support. Absolutism was replaced by liberal political systems governed by a constitution.
    The movement began in France with Charles X who succeeded Louis XVIII, who was overthrown in July 1830.
    Louis Philippe I became the new constitutional monarch. (Citizen King)