French Revolution

By browna2
  • The March of Versailles

    The March of Versailles
    The woman of Paris were very hungry so they marched their way to the palace and demanded for food. The king called the national guard and left Paris. This lead to the French Revolution.
  • The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The people no longer have privileges they have to account their french nation. Everyone decided the pope should not be head of the church, so this declared the government was head of the church.
  • The Kings Attempted Escape

    The Kings Attempted Escape
    The king left Paris tho go to Austria with his wife so they didn't have to deal with all of the stuff going on at the palace, they were brought back by guards.
  • The Constitution of 1791

    The Constitution of 1791
    It established a limited monarchy. Enlightenment was seen through the document overall because a Legislative Assembly was elected.
  • The Storming of The Palace and Fall of the Legislative Assembly

    The Storming of The Palace and Fall of the Legislative Assembly
    It was stormed because the fall of the french monarchy. King LouisXVI was put on trial for treason because he was found with the Legislative Assembly.
  • The September Massacres

    The September Massacres
    It took place in Paris and It happened because they were afraid that the armies would attack so they had inmates join to attack them. This shows me that they were afraid of the armies.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    The people that caused this was the community because people who fought with them they thought should get punished. They were punished by getting killed or drowned.