
French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Moderate Phase

    France has many revolts and riots that start to spark the French revolution. The monarchy begins to struggle and fall from power. Many new reforms will come out of this phase.
  • Estates General meets

    Estates General meets
  • National Assembly is formed

  • Citizens storm the Bastille

  • Period: to

    Great Fear sweeps France

    The Great Fear was a wave of peasant riots sparked by economic concerns, rural panic, and rumors
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
  • Poor women of Paris march on Versailles

  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy is adopted

  • Royal Family attempts to flee France

    Royal Family attempts to flee France
  • Royal Family confined to Tuileries

  • Constitution creates a limited monarchy

  • Paris mob invades Tuileries palace

  • Period: to

    Radical Phase

    Citizens bombard prisons to attack political officials and church officials. King Louis XVI and his wife are executed via guillotine. Maximilien Robespierre executes 17,000 people who disagree with the war. He, too, is executed via guillotine.
  • France becomes a Republic

  • Louis XVI beheaded

    Louis XVI beheaded
  • Committee of Public Safety is created

  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror, or The Terror, was a series of massacres and numerous public executions.
  • Marie Antoinette is beheaded

  • Period: to

    Reaction Phase

    During this time period, a third constitution was created, leading to the five man directory made up of middle class. The Directory was later overthrown by Napoleon and replaced with the Consulate.
  • Robespierre is beheaded

    Robespierre is beheaded
  • Third Constitution is adopted

  • Directory takes power

  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades Egypt

  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory, establishing the French Consulate. Napoleon names himself emperor and becomes a hero to many of the citizens. He takes away many recently made reforms and gave equality to the citizens as well as religious tolerance and the abolition of feudalism. He goes on to lose battles until he is exiled, escapes exile, and then is defeated again and killed.
  • Napoleon becomes 1st Consul

  • Concordat with the Catholic Church

  • Napoleon named Consul for life

  • Napoleonic Code adopted

  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
  • Battle of Trafalgar

  • Battle of Austerlitz

  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades Spain

  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades Russia

  • Battle of Leipzig

  • Napoleon abdicates the throne & Louis XVIII takes the throne

  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
  • Napoleon returns from Elba

    Napoleon returns from Elba
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
  • Napoleon exiled to St. Helena

  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies