Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath were members from the third estate who had begun a call for a national assembly. The third estate had taken the Tennis court oath. The oath would prove crucially towards the third estate as a process to protest and then lead to gaining more power. -
Storming of the Bastille
The storming of the Bastille was a prison of aggressive mobs. Which people such as salesmen and craftsmen that came in with weapons and started to attack aggressively. The causes of this was because the Monarchy had declared themselves the National Assembly. The prisoners that were in the prison were freed because of it. -
The Legislative Assembly is formed
The legislative assembly was the governing body of France. Which also means that the Legislative assembly had replaced the national constitution assembly. Which Louis was the one who had officially signed the constitution. -
The guillotine becomes the official method of execution
The guillotine was a machine that is used to kill many people. It is a machine that beheads thousands of people. It was used on many people who had done something super bad such as Maximilien De Robespierre and Marie Antoinette. -
King Louis XVI is executed by the guillotine
King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine because he had gotten convicted from making a plot towards the foreign powers. The national convention decided to have him convicted and sentenced to death by France. He was 38 when it had happened. -
Jean- Paul Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday
Jean- Paul Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday who though she would be helping others by killing him. Jean-Paul Marat was a leader of the French Revolution. Charlotte killed him while he was in the bathtub and she stabbed him in the heart and thought it would make things better but really it made things worse so then shortly after she was executed. -
Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror was known as a violent period that had occurred after the French revolution. It was a battle between two political factions who are also known as the Girondins and the Jacobins. It was mostly in Paris but it was also in areas of France. Most were guilotined which also means beheaded. -
Maximilien was executed
Maximilien was executed because he got too carried away and had killed many thousands of people. He sent many people to the guillotine because most of the people still believed in the Monarchial system which Maximilien wanted to get rid of. The French finally turned against him and thought that what he did was horrible so they decided he should deserve to get executed. -
Napoleonic Control
The Napoleonic Control was where Napoleon overthrew a directory. Napoleon then establishes the French consulate because he was the leader of what is known to be France. Which he had helped bring an end to the French Revolution. -
The Reign of Terror ends
The reign of terror ends on July 27. The end of the reign came to an end when Maximilien the leader who had been executed. The Reign of Terror was a purge towards those who had threatened Frace.