French Revolution

  • Bourbon monarchy ends

    The bourbons monarchy ended in 1789 because Henry IV's father overthrew the monarchy. (image)
  • National Assembly is in session making the first Constitution

    The Nation assembly stated they would go to the tennis court and not leave until the first constitution was made.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the bastille took place at a political prison. A huge angry mob stormed the bastille because the wanted the weapons and to free the debtors.
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    declaration of the national convention

    The national convention was created in the most critical period of the french revolution. They were elected to make a new constitution for the overthrow of the monarchy.
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    committee of public safety conducts the reign of terror

    They formed the executive government during the reign of terror. The political body of the revolution.
  • Second constitution establishes government

    the government created by the second estate was each delegate would get 1 vote. They needed to convince the 1st and 3rd estate to vote for them.
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    Directory government

    The directory was made by 5 men who held the executive power .They were chosen by the new legislature. The directory suffered a widespread corruption.
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    Napoleon government

    The consulate was the government from the fall of directory. It rose in power as the French revolution went on.