First time the Estates General meets in approximately 175 years
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://www.historywiz.com/estatesgeneral.htm -
Mob storms the Tuileries palace and throws Marie Antoinette and her kids in prison
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view.aspx?id=18565 -
National convention declares that France will be a republic and not a constitutional monarchy
MAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://history.howstuffworks.com/european-history/french-revolution5.htm -
King Louis XVI executed by guillotine
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://thecaveonline.com/APEH/imagesoftheking.htm -
National convention writes a more restrictive constitution; only male property owners could vote
Picture from:
http://www.cfaba.org/cf01017.htm -
Napolean faced off against a mob of royalists trying to regain power in Paris
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://napoleonistyka.atspace.com/Emperor_Napoleon.htm -
Robespierre and his supporters are executed;The Reign of Terror Ends
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://www.csa.com/discoveryguides/revolution/reviewf.php -
Napolean takes control of the French government
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://www.brogilbert.org/moreau/1moreau_frenchrev.htm -
Napolean sells the Louisiana Territory in North America to the United States
Napolean crowns himself emprorer of France after a plebiscite
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view.aspx?id=41372 -
Napolean invades Spain and Portugal; the king of Spain goes to prison and the king of Portugal flees to Brazil
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://throughthesandglass.typepad.com/through_the_sandglass/history/ -
Napolean defeated in Leipzig
Congress of Vienna meets to redraw the map of Europe
IMAGE SOURCE PAGE: http://www.nobility-association.com/thecongressofvienna.htm -
Napolean dies in exile