French Revolution

By Sudan29
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Nobility forceds King Louis XVI to call the Estates General

    Nobility forceds King Louis XVI to call the Estates General
    The king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the Third Estate.
  • Estate-General meets in Paris

    Estate-General meets in Paris
    on July 14, 1789, King Louis XVI received word at Versailles that the Bastille had fallen in Paris to a mob that included both citizens and soldiers. It was more than just symbol, the fall of the Bastille was the start of the French Revolution, a movement that would travel through every European capital and begin the process of getiing rid of absolutism.
  • 3rd Estate refused to abid by the kings one vote for each estate order

    3rd Estate refused to abid by the kings one vote for each estate order
    They proclamied themselves a legislature, the national aseembly, with the right to make lasw for France
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    the Third estate representatives met in an indoor tennis court and swore they would not leave the tennis court until getting a written constitution for France. King Louis relented and allowed each representative to have a vote.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    King Louis made a stupid mistake, he called out the troops in order to protect himself, which caused people to be feared, and they started looking for weapons in Bastille, but they found that the horrible violence in this prison, and it was significant to French Revolution
  • Great Fear Begins

    Great Fear Begins
    In July and August of 1789 the people decided to start the French Revolution. With this revolution rumors spread among the peasants that nobles had hired brigands to march through the villages and destroy the peasant’s new harvest and their homes. This fear added to the already existing fear because of the lack of good harvest in 1787. In response the peasants went wild and ransacking castles and destroying documents.
  • National Assembly abolishes Feudlism with August Decrees

    National Assembly abolishes Feudlism with August Decrees
    The assembly decided to organize the way things were being handled to calm angered peasants. Article one of the Decrees states that the Assembly declared the feudal system abolished. They also took away many of the clerical and noble rights and privileges.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    It laid the basic principle of French Revolution." Liberty, equality, franternity" Took the inspiration from the English Independence, and the writing of the Englightement philosphers.
  • Woman of Paris March to Versailles for Bread

    Woman of Paris March to Versailles for Bread
    About 7,000 women marched from Paris to Versailles demanding bread from Louis. They also demanded that the prices of the bread to be lowered. The mob of women broke into the palace so to make peace with them, Louis agreed to live in Tuileries Palace with his family.
  • Royal Family's Flight from Varennes

    Royal Family's Flight from Varennes
    King lost his power, and decided to escape paris. He intended to leace secretly and go to Holland. When he was arrested in Varennes, people thought that he was intended to against his won people, therefore he was considered a traitor.
  • New Consitution adopeted

    New Consitution adopeted
    The consitution was finished in September. As the king failed in his flight to Varennes, he reluctany accepted the new consitution in France, he had to shra power with the elected National Aseembly.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Beginning of Legislative Assembly
    It was creted by National Assembly as they finihsed creating the new consitution. Citizens gained voting right. The consitution kept the monarchy but restrccted the King's power.
  • Brunswick manifesto warns that Royal family must not be harmed or else...

    Brunswick manifesto warns that Royal family must not be harmed or else...
    Austria and prussia issued a declaration warning against harming the French morchas and hinting that it would provoke war. Legislative assembly declared the war, French army was defeated.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    Storming of the Tuileries Palace
    Legislative Assembly felt powerless the violence and Foreign invasion. The violence in August helped put the redical faction. THye abolished the monarchy and declaring France a republic.
  • French Monarchy is officially abolished

    French Monarchy is officially abolished
    Revoolutionary Gov't votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the first Republic Royal family imprisoned.
  • French defeat forign invaders who are attemting...

    French defeat forign invaders who are attemting...
    France turns the tide of the war and take the offensive against the invaders.
  • The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris

    The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris
    King was placed on trial
    King Louis was pushed into palace on the guillotine, and his neck was dropped by that. In order to show people the consequence of supporting the monarchy.
  • Committee of Public Safety Established

    Committee of Public Safety Established
    It was created by national convention in 1793. Originally consisting of 9 members of the convention. Political body of the French Revolution created that to defend France against its enemies, forign and domestic.
  • Law of Suspects passes Beginning of the Regin of Terror in France

    Law of Suspects passes Beginning of the Regin of Terror in France
    It was during the Reigon of Terror, it marked a significant weakening of indicidual freedoms that led to"revolutionary Paranoia".
  • End of the Reign of Terror-execution of Robespierre

    End of the Reign of Terror-execution of Robespierre
    French Revolution was violence, caused many people's death.
    No one was safe from Robespierre.
    In 1794, Robespieres were surrounded by national convention, their heads were fallend out (100 of them)
  • Ntional Covenion is dissolved and the creation of the Directorate

    Ntional Covenion is dissolved and the creation of the Directorate
    National Convention dissolved itself.
    Run by an executive branch of five directors.
    The directors were weak, caused France's troubles Continued.
  • Napoleon named First Consul

    Napoleon named First Consul
    he directory was replaced by a three-member Consulate, and napoleon was the first. napoleon took over in a coup d'etat on 18 brumaire.Napoleon had become a dictator, but the structure of a republic was still there. Even though they just overthrew a monarch, the let a dictator run them because of his promises of order and stability.
  • Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France

    Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France
    Napolen wanted to make his own power permanent and hereditary. He submitted a prebiscite, a quostion put before all the voters, French voters supported him and voted Yes. Thus he became Emperor Napolean I.