french revolution

  • Hobbes writes Leviathan

    about a sea monster refered to the bible.
  • Locke writes Two Treatieses of Government

    a work of political philosophy
  • French and Indian War

    war between britain and france to control the ohio land
  • Reign of Louis XVI

    french ruler who ruled for 27 years
  • American Revolution

    colonists fought to gain independence
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    oath signed by members of the third estate
  • Calling of the Estates General

    king announced calling of the estate general
  • France experiences "The Great Fear"

    peasants armed themselves to protect their land
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    declaration was made to protect the rights of men and women
  • August decrees

    nineteen decrees made by the national assembly
  • France experience "Reign of Terror."

    10 year period of radical social and political appeal in france
  • Louis XVI attempts to escape

    Louis XVI attempts to escape
    him and his wife tried to escape and intiate a counter revolution
  • Legislative Assembly is created

    national assembly was created
  • France goes to war with Austria

    france invaded austria
  • Louis XVI is executed

    was a monarch who ruled frnace and navarre until 1791
  • Committee of Public Safety is formed

    committee to protect citizens is made
  • Jean Paul Marat is killed

    Jean Paul Marat is killed
    was a physician, political theorist, and scientist. was murdered in bathtub by charlotte corday
  • Robespierre comes to power

    he defended the abolition of slavery and the death penalty
  • Robespierre is executed

    Robespierre is executed
    part of the reign of terror
  • Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power

    Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power
    napoleon takes the french throne