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French Revolution

By dguinn
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Convening the Estate General

    This was the first in 175 years, Louis XVI wanted to propse taxes on the nobles, because of this he had to call the estates general. The third estates creates the National Assembly
  • Tennis Court Oath

    This is when the newly form National Assembly made the first and second estaters who were with the king that day to take an oath in a indoor tennis court
  • Storming of the Bastille

    They stormed the Bastille for ammo and gun podwer for their stolen guns
  • Great Fear

    This starts a fearful era for the thrid estates during the start of the French Revolution
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" were passed by the National Assembly. This presented to the world a summary of the ideals and principles of the Revolution.
  • Women's March to Versailles

    The women of the third estate march to Versailles to try to get lower bread prices so that their families won't strave
  • Louis and Marie’s flight to Varennes

    This was an important part of the French Revolution during which King Louis XVI of France, his wife Marie Antoinette attempted unsuccessfully to escape from Paris
  • Constitution of 1791

    The short-lived French Constitution of 1791 was the second written constitution of France
  • Brunswick Manifesto

    The Brunswick Manifesto threatened that if the French royal family were harmed, then French civilians would be harmed
  • National Convention

    During the French Revolution, the National Convention, in France, comprised the constitutional and legislative assembly
  • Directory

    Directory was a body of five Directors that held executive power in France following the Convention and preceding the Consulate
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    General Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French Directory, replacing it with the French Consulate
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801 was an agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII, solidified the Roman Catholic Church as the majority church of France
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by the United States of America of 828,000 square miles of France's claim to the territory of Louisiana in 1803
  • Napoleon Code

    The Code, with its stress on clearly written and accessible law, was a major step in replacing the previous patchwork of feudal laws
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon Bonaparte was given the title Emperor on May 18th 1804 by the French Senate and was crowned emperor of the French on December 2nd 1804 at the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, in Paris
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar was a sea battle fought between the British Royal Navy and the combined fleets of the French Navy and Spanish Navy, during the War of the Third Coalition
  • Continental System

    The Continental System was the foreign policy of Napoleon I of France in his struggle against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland during the Napoleonic Wars
  • Continental System

    The Peninsular War was a war between France and the allied powers of Spain, the United Kingdom, and Portugal for control of the Iberian Peninsula during the Napoleonic Wars
  • Invasion of Russia

    The French invasion of Russia of 1812 was a turning point in the Napoleonic Wars. It reduced the French and allied invasion forces
  • Exile to Elba

    Following the Treaty of Fontainebleau, French emperor Napoleon I was exiled to Elba after his forced abdication in 1814 and arrived at Portoferraio on May 3, 1814 to begin his exile there
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Emperor Napoleon was defeated by combined armies of the Seventh Coalition, an Anglo-Allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington combined with a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard von Blücher
  • Exile to St. Helena

    Napoleon disembarked in St. Helena with those followers who were voluntarily accompanying him into exile