French revolution

  • Economic reform

    Economic reform
    Jacques necker, a financial expert urged the king to reduce extravagant court spending, reform government, and abolish burdensome tariffs on internal trade.
  • Storming the bastille

    Storming the bastille
    The Bastille was a symbol to the people of france representing years of abuse by the monarchy.
  • National assembally acts

    National assembally acts
    August 4th in a combative all-night meetings, nobles in national assembally votedd to end their own privileges. They agreed to give up their old manorial, including the rights of man. The document was modeled in part on the american declaration of independence written 13 years earlier.
  • Civil war

    Louis XVI brought further hostile rumblings from abroad. In August 1791 the king of Prussia and the emperor of Austria they issued the Declaration of Pilnitz threading the monarchy.
  • Threats from abroud

    Threats from abroud
    Louis XVI brought further hostile rumblings from abroad. In August 1791 the king of Prussia and the emperor of Austria they issued the Declaration of Pilnitz threading the monarchy.
  • Monarchy is abolished

    Monarchy is abolished
    Dismal news about the war abroud heighttend. Well trained prussain forcels were cutting down raw french recruits
  • Robes pierre and the reign of terror

    Robespierre was one of the chief architects of the Reign of Terror, witch lasted from September 1793 to July 1794. About 300,000 were arrested during the
    reign of Terror. Seventeen thousand were executed.He was a shrewd lawyer and politician, quickly rose to the leadership of the committee of Public Safety.