French Revolution

  • Estates General convened by King

    Estates General convened by King
    The Estates General meets for the first time in 175 years. They meet to discuss taxes because each Estate did not want to pay taxes. it had been so long since they had met, each Estate kept a notbeook to record there thoughts in different issues;Because they vote had always been so uneven; based the reading of Enlightenment thinkers the Third Estate wanted to change how the voting system worked because not only was the feudal system unfair, the meetings of the Estates General was also unfair.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Another meeting had occured of the Estates General. there was an issue in this meeting, the Third Estate was not aware of this meeting, when they were told of it, they had been locked out. Therefore the Third Estate decided to sit in the Tennis Court and agreed that they would not leave until their point was made. it was unfair for the two estates to make decisions without the other 97% of the people who mattered voices being heard. that day they wrote a constitution for france.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    By order of King Louis, Troops arrived in Paris and Versallies where the people and the national assembly were in fear of king louis' comand of the troops. Bastille at the time was used as a prison but it was originally a battle fortress, a weapon. The people had armed themselves with weapons by "storming the Bastille" to defend themselves. In doing this the Bastille had fallen.
  • National Assembly decrees Declaration of Right Of Men and of Citizen

    National Assembly decrees Declaration of Right Of Men and of Citizen
    this was made up of the english bill of rights, enlightenment philosophers writings, and the american declaration of independence. this document did not include women. it freed men of speech, religion, and press. it gave them rights and presumption of innocence. the declaration tried to make all men equal to one another. sadly, it only lasted 5 years.
  • Women's March for Bread to Versallies

    Women's March for Bread to Versallies
    after the drought and a bad harvest, a tax was set on a main source of food, bread. in anger the women of france marched to versallies threatenning the baker and family until king louis compromised with them to distribute the bread. in a change of plans the national guard stopped him. therefore the women went after marie antoinette and she fleed her quarters. king louis was suppose to confront the crowd but never did.
  • Abolition of nobility and titles

    Abolition of nobility and titles
    the national assembly was trying to ban the idea of labels. labels such as duke, count, and other names used back then would not be used by anyone. everyone was to persue there families original names. this also along with "coat of arms" or the way people were dressing would also change. this was an effort to make everyone equal.
  • Black Citizens of French colonies granted equal rights.

    Black Citizens of French colonies granted equal rights.
    St. domingues, which is now haiti, in a slave rebllion in the french revolution. all the slaves fleed frances control. leading to the haitian revolution.
  • Beginning of legislative Assembly

    Beginning of legislative Assembly
    political debate and law making meetings. composed of 2 groups: feuillants and constitutional monarchy who believed the goal was reached of the revolution. and the other group was the jacobin club, mostly made of the bourgeoisie, who believed the revolution was not over and there was more to come. there were 745 members. the assembly failed to work and did not last even a year.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    (finally) france became a republic rather than a monarchy. he had been sent to trial at the national convention where they decided that he deserved the death penalty and wanted him to go to the guillotine. his crimes were treason and state crimes; on this day all the people watched as king louis was on his way to death. they all considered his death the beginning of a new time, and a better time in france.
  • Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacring the Swiss Guard, and the King imprisoned

    Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacring the Swiss Guard, and the King imprisoned
    the Legislative Assembly had no idea what to do about King Louis. A parisian suggested action instead of threatenning. a crowd met at city hall and stormed to tuileries palace where the royal family lived. the swiss guards could not fend off the crowd, leading to the massacre of the swiss guard. the family tried to flee but, King Louis in the end ended up being taken by the crowd.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    created by the national assembly on this day to be the voice of the people and make decisions for France. the committee had started off with 9 members and ended with Robespierre being dictator of the committee and creating 14 armies to defend and protect france.
  • Reign of Terror-Beginning

    Reign of Terror-Beginning
    the first victim was Marie Antoinette and her children. The people had last control of what was happening. the revolutionary tribunal had ordered the death of 2400 people by july. the terror was suppose to fight off enemies and ended up killing it's own people.
  • End of the Reign Of Terror

    End of the Reign Of Terror
    Robespierre had gone crazy with his dictatorship. he'd lost control of what he was suppose to be doing. he ended up being arrested and sent to the guillotine for execution. this marked the end of the reign of terror. at the end of the reign 30,00 people ened up dead.
  • Creation of Directorate

    Creation of Directorate
    national convention creates a five-man directory and 2 large legislative bodies. the bodies were the ancients and the five hundred men. the directory consisted of 5 men who controlled the appointing of who had roles in government because they were not part of the legislative body, they did not take part in that part og government.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte named first consul now effective dictator

    Napoleon Bonaparte named first consul now effective dictator
    frances turmoil is when napoleon came into power. Napoleon was seen as a revelation "a star in the dark sky". the directory knew of his plan to overthrow them and mobed him in his first attempt to overthrown them was he regained his strength of mind he tried again but with his troops the next time and overthrew them with no problem. he worked with emmanuel sieyes to do this act. as soon as he was in power he, restructured the dfense and re-organized the armies. becoming first consul of the three
  • Napoleon consecreated as emperor

    Napoleon consecreated as emperor
    on this day, napoleon was consecrated as emperor(not king). the people had been so persuaded by napoeons many achievements that his failures weren't noticed. napoleon had risen to pwer slowly climbing the ladder. in time, he had convinced the leglislative bodies name him emperor because of his power. also, he had ended up re-creating a monarchy in france but only by name/label. not actually by social status.