Meeting of the Three Estates
This is when the three estates met and the third estate got outvoted they had a meeting this is when they made the tennis court oath. -
Causes of the French Revoultion
one of the causes were the poeple did not want it to be an absolute monarchy. The were three different estates https://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/rschwart/hist151s03/french_rev_causes_consequences.htm -
The tennis court oath
The tennis court oath is when the third estate decided to meet a the tennis court till the constition was written. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/third-estate-makes-tennis-court-oath -
Storming of bastille
On this day is when the third estate stormed bastille at the start of the revolution. http://bastille-day.com/history/Storming-Of-The-Bastille-July-14-1789 -
Declaration of rights of man
This is a document that says everyman is born equally. http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/declaration.html -
The bread march
this is when the women of the third estate stormed verailles. http://www.historywiz.com/womensmarch.htm -
Womens march
a crowd of around 7000 mainly working women of France marched to the King's Palace in Versailles demanding the price of bread and food be brought down. notes -
The royal escape
this was a night in june when the king atempted to escape france and flee to another county. notes -
The Guillotine
In 1792 the Guillotine was introduced. it was a new methed of excuction. http://www.thefrenchrevolution.org -
End of the monarchy
on this date is when the monarchy endded. the people of france were free and run by the national assembly. -
The national assembly
The national assembly was a "government" made by the people. they were the revolutionaries of france. notes -
The king is exucuted
on this date the king was exucuted. notes -
Reign Of Terror
Thi was the bloodest most violent time of the revolution. Anyone who believed in the king was killed. notes -
Marats murder
In july 1793 Marat was murdered in his bath by Charlotte Corday, who thought that Marat's death would put an end to extremism. notes -
Robespierre overthrown in France
on this date robespierre is overthrown and executed. this was near the end of the revolution. -
Results of revolution
The third estate won and the results were amazing for them. I wont name all of them but a coupleare No more king, no more estates. notes