Feudalism and Unfair Taxation
One of the main causes of the French Revolution was that the French were in a financial crisis. They had added taxes on everything and the people were getting to the point where they couldn't afford it. Finally King Louis 16 realized that the taxation was a big problem.
http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/frenchrev/summary.html -
Causes of French Revolution
One major cause of the French Revolution was the disputes between the different social classes or also know as estates. Another cause of the French Revolution was the mant different ideas between the people. http://www.studymode.com/essays/Major-Causes-Of-The-French-Revolution-43077.html -
Attack on the Bastille
On this day a very angry mob of people came into attack the Bastille in search of gunpowder. On July 7, 1789 thirty-two swiss soldiers came into help Marquis de Launay. They only expected a small group of maybe one hundred people or so, they were way wrong! The Bastille ended up being almost under siege when the whole mob moved in. There were over three hundred people risking their lives in order to end the taxation.
http://library.thinkquest.org/C006257/revolution/storming_of_bastille.shtml -
Creation of the National Assembly
A the national assembly was being formed they ended up being locked out of the usual meeting place and instead went to a nearby tennis court to take what they soon called the tennis court oath. The National Assembly was created when people got together and took the Tennis Court Oath, which took place July 20, 1789. The tennis court oath simply said that they wouldn't give up until the new constition was made. http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/frenchrev/section3.rhtml -
The Great Fear
The Great Feaar spread far across the country. 99% of the country was in a Great Fear. The people soon demanded cheaper bread.
The problems of France continued though because there were very few people willing to aid France.
http://tyberven.tripod.com/ -
Declaration of the Right of Man (D.R.M.)
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was approved by the National Assembly of France on August 26, 1789. The D.R.M. stated several things one of them being "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good."
http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/rightsof.asp http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/rightsof.asp -
The Bread March
http://teachers.sduhsd.k12.ca.us/tpsocialsciences/world_history/dem_ideals/versailles.htmEarly in the morning on October 5th a group of women got together and made a big croud in the cental marketplace of Paris. The main pourpouse of the march to Versailles was to lower the price of bread back down and get the bread back. Bread at this time was the French peoples' main diet. In fact the people demanded to have it. At the time of the bread march the price of the bread raised to prices many of the people couldn't afford. -
The Royal Famiily Flees
Unhappy in Paris, King Louis XVI convinced his wife, Marie Antionette that it wasnt safe to stay there. They dressed up as poor people and left at midnight so they wouldnt be noticed. The family had only been traveling for a day before they were spotted at the town of Varennes. The town was a little over a mile away from the border of Austria. http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view.aspx?id=727702 -
Royal Escape
When King Louis XVI (16) was forced to sign most of his power to the National Assembly he decided to escspe with his family into northeast France to regain is royal power. The royal family dressed as pesants so they wouldn't be noticed as easily and they snuck ouy around midnight when it was dark to not draw attention to them. They were caught when they stopped and taken back to France and put in prision.
http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view.aspx?id=464360 -
Rifts of the Assembly
Even though the National Assembly succeded in making the constiution, the peace was short lived. The common workers and laborors started feling overwhelmed and overworked.
http://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/frenchrev/summary.html -
Guillotine was introduced
In 1792 the guillotine was introduced as the new form of excecution also know as death. Robespierre was known for making a list of people to kill in the guillotine. Pople were in so much fear that they were running away or anything.
http://ph.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080419193437AAyNGnr -
Death of King Louis 16
In August 1792, the royal couple King Louis and his wife Marie were arrested and taken to prision. In September the absolute monarchy was overthrown by by the National Conventoion. In November evidence that King Louis was interacting with other foreign countries was reveled. The next January King Louis 16 was covicted and sent to the Guillotene and killed.
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/king-louis-xvi-executed -
Reign of Terror
The purpose of the reign of terror was to get rid of the enimies of France and protect the country. In January of 1793 till July 1974, France was governed or controlled by the Comittee of Public Safery. Danton and Robespierre were two members that influened that. They had a list of people of who to kill and they would kill all the people on that list before moving onto the next list. 16,000 people guillotined during the time -
The Execution of Robespierre
As Robespierre rose to speak at the National Convention where he attacked members of the Comittee of Public Saftey. Robispierre was arrested on July 27 and then executed the next day. Robispierre was soon pushed away by his supports.
http://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/d/442/ -
Tennis Court Oath
As the French Government was faced with a financia crisis the French government called a meeting of the Eatstes General in May. The Estates General had people from all three estates and they met at Versailles. The first, second and third eststes all had different perspectives on things. They dissagered on several things. One thing they dissagreed on was the right to vote by head instead of by order. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/rschwart/hist255/kat_anna/tennis.html -
Results of the French Revolution
One of the most significant results of the French Revolution was that the land was no longer in the positions of the nobles and clergy. Once fuedalism was overthrown individualism was given.