French Revolution

  • Meeting Called to Approve a New Tax Plan

    Louis XVI called a meeting with the Estates- General to discuss a new tax plan for France. It was also to propose solutions to France's financial problems. This was the first time a meeting had been called and held since 1614.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath was when the third estate vowed to make a constitution for France. However, they were locked out of an assembly, so they gathered at the tennis courts. They never quite got around to making a constitution until two years later.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille was a prison in Paris. It was considered to be a symbol of how corrupt and brutal the absolute monarchy was.
    Parisians stormed the Bastille to get weapons. A fight broke out as a result of this, and a guard died.
  • End of Feudalism and Serfdom in France

    The National Assembly announced that feudalism and serfdom would no longer exist in France. This put a stop to people having no rights or freedoms.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen issued

    This document stated that all men were created equal, and should be equal under the law. This included freedoms such as: freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion. The creation of this document was influenced by the Enlightenment. However, it did not include women.
  • Women's March On Versailles

    THe women of Paris were very upset because they didn't have any food to feed their families. Therefore, 7,000 women make a long march to Versailles to confront Marie and Louis. The women eventually got into the palace, but Marie had fled with her three children. The angry women stabbed her bed, and their invasion of her bedroom was considered a symbol.
  • New Constitution Written

    The new constitution was a delayed reaction of the Tennis Court Oath. It provided France with a constitutional monarchy. The rulers were Marie Antionette and Louis XVI. Louis XVI did not like this new form of government because it limited his powers.
  • Legislative Assembly created

    Only men 25 years or older and taxpayers could vote in this Assembly. One part of this Assembly was represented by the Bourgeoisie, which was a part of the third estate.
  • End of Monarchy

    The people of France were very upset with the monarchy, so Marie and Louis tried to run away to Austria. They didn't get far, however, because they were not very good at blending in with common people- they had too many people traveling with them and too many nice things. They were brought back to Paris, where they were thrown into prison in the Tuileries Palace. After this, they were executed publicly on the guillotine.
  • Louis XVI Death Sentence

    Louis XVI was sentenced to death on the guillotine. This came on the heels of being thrown into a prison with his wife for trying to flee France and go to Austria.