French Revoloution Timeline

By julayya
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    With famine and brewing discontent in France, Louis has no choice but to call a meeting of the General Estates. (A meeting of all three estates in France.)
  • Tennis Court Oaths

    Tennis Court Oaths
    The 3rd Estate gathers and calls themselves the National Assembly. They vow not to disband until they have a constitutional Monarchy, and this event is significant because it kicks off the revolution and people are beginning to protest their treatment from the King.
  • The storming of Bastille

    The storming of Bastille
    French Revolutionaries storm Bastille prison, a hated symbol of the Royals and tear it apart brick by brick. They then take resources of gunpowder and muskets, and murder the Governor. This event was significant because it drove the revolution forward and it forced Louis to accept a constitutional monarchy.
  • Period: to

    The Great Fear

    Peasants around the countryside had heard that the King was sending armies and mercenaries on their way, so they began to burn and destroy houses and properties of aristocrats.
  • The August Decrees

    The August Decrees
    The August Decrees abolished the feudal system and aristocratic privileges. It also dissolved clerical benefits. This paved the way for the Declaration of the rights of man and citizen and was a huge step towards equality of all citizens in France.
  • Period: to

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    A charter of human liberties, this declaration announced religious freedom, inalienable rights, liberty, security and equality for everyone in France. (Except for women and non-property holders)
  • The March on Versailles

    The March on Versailles
    A group of angry women and other discontented Parisians marched to Versailles demanding grain and bread, and to talk to the King directly. The King gave in to go to Paris with the people, and he was trapped and now under the peoples control.
  • Attack on the Tuileries

    Attack on the Tuileries
    The attack on the Tuileries was a mob of people attacking the new residence of King Louis and his family in Paris. Although there were many deaths, the most important part of this event was in the aftermath of this event, France became a republic and the Monarchy was abolished.
  • The Execution of Louis XIV

    The Execution of Louis XIV
    The King of France is now dead, and the people begin to govern themselves.
  • The Murder of Marat

    The Murder of Marat
    Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday who believed Marat needed to be stopped, as the executions were getting out of hand. However his death only turns him into a martyr and a symbol of the revolution, adding fuel to the fire.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror signifies a period of time where hundreds of thousands of people were executed, and people were under fear because anyone could be executed, from "not being enthusiastic enough" about the revolution, to being a priest.
  • The Execution of Marie Antoinette

    The Execution of Marie Antoinette
    The last queen of France is executed, and she is the last member of the royal family to be executed.
  • The Execution of Jacques Danton

    The Execution of Jacques Danton
    Danton and his followers are executed as they were gaining ground, and Robespierre had them executed to continue his bloodshed. However, as soon as theyr were executed the bloodiest chapter of the Reign of Terror began: The Great Terror.
  • The Festival of the Supreme Being

    The Festival of the Supreme Being
    Robespierre wants to replace the Catholic God with the new Supreme being, however this event marked his quick downfall. Robespierre was denounced as ridiculous and people did not want him anymore. His execution came soon after.
  • The Execution of Robespierre

    The Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre is executed and turned against, and the Reign of Terror ends with his execution.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    The new period of the French Revolution begins, spawning a time of uncertainty.