Battle in the rue de rohan 28th july 1830 1831 oil on canvas 72882755 5a9881263de42300379a3af1

french revlotion timeline

  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    a great crowd of people with weaponry went to go and storm the bastille. They eventually took it over when the general surrendered. Then the people freed the 7 prisoners and destroyed the bestial.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    many women went 12 miles to Versailles. They marched and protested for more food. The march proved a pivotal movement for the march.
  • Louis XVI Moves to Paris

    Louis XVI Moves to Paris
    After the march on Versailles, the people of the march wanted the king to return to Paris. So that Paris is now the focus and center of france.
  • Louis Tries to Escape

    Louis Tries to Escape
    During the night Louis and his wife try to escape from Paris. One peasant found out it was the king that was trying to escape. And they were placed under arrest for treason.
  • Louis XVI Executed

    Louis XVI Executed
    In 1793 Louis was executed the same as his wife. They were sent to the guillotine. When Louis went up to be killed he said “gentlemen i am innocent of everything i have been accused of i hope my blood helps the good people of France.”
  • Napoleon Creates an Empire/Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleon Creates an Empire/Napoleonic Wars
    After declaring himself the emperor of France he decides to wage war. Against the other coalitions of Europe to expand his army.
  • Reforms of Napoleon (Lycees, Concordat, Napoleonic Code)

    Reforms of Napoleon (Lycees, Concordat, Napoleonic Code)
    Napoleon centralized the government putting control into the hands of the national government. It became way more efficient than it once was. Advancement in the civil service and the military was based on merit not rank anymore. And taxes would become equal to all poor and rich.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor
    Napoleon on December 2 1804 he declared himself emperor of France. After abolishing the consult.
  • invasion of Russia

    invasion of Russia
    napoleon decided to try to invade Russia. It was a poor mistake to do so. Many reasons as disease, poor discipline, faulty logistics.
  • napoleon defeated and exiled to Elba

    napoleon defeated and exiled to Elba
    Napoleon emperor of France and one of the greatest military leaders on earth. Was exiled to Elba.