French revolution battle 396f7b8db4

French revelution 10 significant dates

  • May 5, 1789 (The opening of the Estates General)

    May 5, 1789 (The opening of the Estates General)
    This date marks the beginning of the French Revolution. As the estates-general, composed of representatives from each estate in the hierarchy. From the first, second and third estate as they met at versailles. The was a debate over the representation and the general rights of the Third Estate. Important is it was the very start of a significant change in French Society.
  • June 17, 1789 (National assembly)

    June 17, 1789 (National assembly)
    The National Assembly took place and was formed by the Third Estate. This was a turning point in the revolution as they challenged the monarchy. Significant as it eventually lead to a change
  • June, 20, 1789 "The famous Oath of the Real Tennis Room"

    June, 20, 1789 "The famous Oath of the Real Tennis Room"
    Tennis court oath date. Third Estate vowed not to disband until they had written a new constitution. Key moment in their fight for equal representation. Significant as it symbolized the National Assembly’s defence against the current royal authority and essentialized their commitment to a fair constitution.
  • July 9, 1789 (The self-elected “National Assembly” reconstituted itself as the “National Constituent Assembly”)

    July 9, 1789 (The self-elected “National Assembly” reconstituted itself as the “National Constituent Assembly”)
    King Louis XVI pledged for the other 2 estates to join the third estate’s assembly. Consequently, troops gathered, which was the real start of growing tension between the monarchy and the revolutionary movement!