French Revalution

  • execution of the King and Queen

    execution of the King and Queen
    during the French Revolution. It was a tragic event where King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were executed by guillotine. This event was significant as it symbolized the end of the monarchy and the rise of radical revolutionary forces. It also intensified the conflict within France and had a profound impact on the course of the French Revolution.
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    Louis XVI, the king of France, called for the Estates General, a meeting of representatives from the three social classes known as estates. This event was significant because it marked a major turning point in the French Revolution, leading to the eventual overthrow of the monarchy and the rise of a republican government
  • Tennis Court Oath

     Tennis Court Oath
    during the French Revolution. It was when members of the Third Estate, who were locked out of their usual meeting place, gathered in a nearby tennis court and pledged to stay together until they had drafted a new constitution. This event was significant as it symbolized the defiance of the people against the monarchy and laid the foundation for the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in France.
  • Parisians storming the bastille

    Parisians storming the bastille
    during the French Revolution. It was when a group of Parisians stormed the Bastille prison, which was seen as a symbol of royal authority. This event was a powerful symbol of the people's uprising against the monarchy and marked the beginning of the revolution. It also led to the dismantling of the old regime and the eventual establishment of a republic in France.
  • Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men
    during the French Revolution. It was a document that proclaimed the fundamental rights and freedoms of French citizens. This event was significant as it laid the groundwork for the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity that became the guiding principles of the revolution and influenced future democratic movements around the world.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    during the French Revolution. Thousands of angry Parisian women marched to Versailles to demand bread and justice from King Louis XVI. This event was a turning point in the revolution, as it forced the royal family to relocate to Paris and marked a shift in power from the monarchy to the people.
  • Establishment of the New French Constitution

    Establishment of the New French Constitution
    during the French Revolution. It was the result of the National Assembly's efforts to create a new system of government that limited the power of the monarchy and introduced a constitutional monarchy. This event was important as it marked a significant shift in the political structure of France, granting more power to the people and laying the foundation for a more democratic society.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    during the French Revolution. It was a period marked by mass executions and political repression as the Committee of Public Safety sought to eliminate counter-revolutionary elements. This event was significant as it showcased the extreme measures taken to protect the revolution and consolidate power. It also had a lasting impact on French society, leading to widespread fear and ultimately contributing to the downfall of the radical Jacobin regime.
  • Napoleon overthrew the Directory

     Napoleon overthrew the Directory
    during the French Revolution. It was a coup d'état where Napoleon Bonaparte, a military general, seized power and established the Consulate. This event was important as it marked the end of the chaotic period of the Directory and brought stability to France. It also paved the way for Napoleon to become the First Consul and eventually the Emperor, reshaping the political landscape of France and Europe.
  • Napoleon built an empire

    Napoleon built an empire
    during the aftermath of the French Revolution. It was a period where Napoleon expanded the French territories through military conquest, establishing the First French Empire. This event was important as it brought about significant changes in Europe, spreading French revolutionary ideals and introducing new legal codes, administrative systems, and reforms. Napoleon's empire had a lasting impact on the political map of Europe and influenced future developments in governance and warfare.
  • Napoleon invaded Russia

    Napoleon invaded Russia
    during the French Revolution. It was a military campaign where Napoleon's Grande Armée invaded Russia intending to defeat the Russian forces and expand his empire. This event was important as it marked a turning point in Napoleon's reign, as the harsh Russian winter, along with guerrilla warfare tactics, led to the devastating defeat of the French army. The failed invasion weakened Napoleon's empire and ultimately contributed to his downfall.
  • 6th Coalition occupied Paris

     6th Coalition occupied Paris
    during the French Revolution. It was a military action where the coalition forces, consisting of Austria, Prussia, Russia, and others, entered Paris and took control of the city. This event was important as it marked the end of Napoleon's rule and the beginning of the Bourbon Restoration. The occupation of Paris by the 6th Coalition ultimately led to the downfall of Napoleon and the restoration of the monarchy in France.
  • King Louis XVIII began his reign

    King Louis XVIII began his reign
    during the French Revolution. It was a significant event as it marked the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France after the defeat of Napoleon. King Louis XVIII's reign brought stability and a sense of continuity to France, as he sought to reconcile the country after the tumultuous years of revolution and empire. The restoration of the monarchy under King Louis XVIII had a lasting impact on the political landscape of France and Europe.
  • the Congress of Vienna meets

    the Congress of Vienna meets
    after the French Revolution and Napoleon's defeat. It was a conference where European powers gathered to restore stability and redraw the political map of Europe. This event was important as it aimed to establish a balance of power and prevent future revolutions. The Congress of Vienna helped shape the post-revolutionary era by promoting conservatism and stability, ultimately influencing the political landscape of Europe for years to come.
  • Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo
    during the aftermath of the French Revolution. It was a decisive battle where the coalition forces led by the Duke of Wellington and Prussian Field Marshal Blücher defeated Napoleon's army. This event was important as it marked the final defeat of Napoleon and the end of his rule. It also led to the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France, bringing an end to the revolutionary and Napoleonic era.