French & Indian War

  • Battle at Ft. Duquesne

    General Braddock and his force of 1450 men surrounded and defeated by Indian and French-Canadian forces at fort Duquesne
  • Massacre at Ft. William Henry

    Following the surrender of the British and colonial garrison to Montcalm (who promised safe passage back to England), Indians killed 185 and took 310 British captive.
  • Iriquois join British-American alliance

    the Iriquois join the british after they won the battle of Quebec
  • Battle of Quiberon Bay

    British victory restricted the French navy's to be able to resupply forces in Canada.
  • British capture Havana, Manila from Spain

    As Spain enters the war joined with the French, it suffers defeats from British naval forces.
  • Treaty of Paris

    French give up the war and give all land west of the Mississippi and New Orleans goes to Spain and all land east of the Mississippi River and Canada goes to England.