French Indian War
The French Indian War begins. The French defeated Washington at Fort Necessity, the first battle of the French and Indian War. -
Washington Resigns
George Washington resigns from being the general of the battle. It was because of the he was blame dfor the Fort Necssity incident. -
Britsh Attack
The british take Fort Necessity -
The Battle of the Wilderness
British General Braddock's forces are defeated near Fort Duquesne in Pennsylvania, leaving the backwoods of British territory undefended. -
The Batlle of Lake George
British Colonel William Johnson's forces win, making Johnson the first British hero of the war. -
Declarations of War
Great Britain declare war on France. Vice- versa. -
French Conquer
The French take Fort Ticonderoga. -
British/ Indian Peace
The British make peace with the Iroquois, Shawnee, and Delaware Indians. -
The British win the battle of Quebec. The commanding generals of both armies, perish in battle. -
Signaling end of war
The British flag is raised over Detroit, effectively ending the war. -
Treaty of Paris
All French possessions east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, are given to the British. All French possessions west of the Mississippi are given to the Spanish. France regains Martinique, Guadeloupe and St. Lucia. -
Men of the garrison at Fort Pitt infect besieging chiefs with blankets from the smallpox hospital. Soon faced with an epidemic, the Indians retreat. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was that the British people had to have a stamp on any legal goods. Not only did the taxes make the colonists mad, but having to get a stamp saying that they paid their taxes even made them mad. -
Tea Act
The Tea act is a bill that was passed so that they dont go bankrupt. And they lowered taxes on tea