La Grande Noirceur
Maurice Duplessis became Premier of Quebec.
He gave the church control over the education system and the healthcare system.
He was also nicknamed le chief because of how strict he was. -
The Richard Riots
Maurice Richard nicknamed "The Rocket" gets suspended for the rest of the season and even the playoffs English NHL president Clarence Campbell.
This enrages the French causing them to injure people.
Sparks The Quiet Revolution and the strive for independance. -
The Quiet Revolution
Jean Lesage won the election and decided it was time for Quebec to change.
He made the goverment in charge of the healtcare and schooling again.
Modernized things such as education and had Quebac become in charge of their own hydrocanada. -
Terrorists in the name of Quebec
Set off a number of bombs killing 6, injuring many more -
The Official Language Act
Made Canada an officially bilingual country
Encouraged Canada to learn about each others culture -
The October Crisis
Several high power political figures get kidnapped by the FLQ
War measures act invoked -
Bill 101
French became the official workplace language in Quebec
French was to be used in government, the courts and businesses -
Meech Lake Accord
Brought Quebec into a revised constitution
It resulted in failure